Day 1,941, 08:38 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

So MoDA has been busy this month and I am in charge of Social development (create this baby boom we all dream about) . So what to do? There are really only two real options for this at the moment.

Option 1: Multi accounts - Start hundreds of multi accounts like the guys from templers something or other. But this is kinda illegal … So we won’t do that.

Option 2 : Start a really cool campaign that gets us – “eSA” noticed by your circle of friends in real life. Yes we want your mom to play eRep (winks at Nickerball). Then once your family is here you can call them funny names and only you will know - also there is that GOLD thing they offer in game. Then bring your friends even your primary school teacher.

So what to do? You click “Like” on our eSA page and then you are officially part of the “I LIKE IT” campaign contributing to the eSA cause. Next If you want drop us a comment saying how awesome eSA is and how you forget sometimes that this is a game and not real life.

So it is easy.

Just say “I like IT” man

Part of MoDA