How-To: Fighting in V2... again [repost]

Day 1,043, 20:50 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas
From one of Sean Power's Shouts I was led to this fine article. I then made friends with the author:
Blank Keating, a General on ST6. He was kind enough to send me the code for the following article. Please visit his original paper "The Keating Chronicles" and sub what I am sure will be a very informative periodical from here out. What am I saying, it's awesome... read the back issues too!

I have added a few things that I have learned today either by myself or from others, some straight from Moomoohead's shouts. Please read the entire article, it is worth your time.

~~~Any Addition by me will be surrounded by tildes like this sentence~~~

BTW, Blank was kind enough to replace the Stars and Stripes with the TriColor for this article, now that is respect... Give him your vote, and your sub!


How-to: Fighting in V2...again.
By Blank Keating

Whoo! New military module! I'm happy to say that this module is very self-explanatory, and the help screen (in the bottom right corner of the fighting screen) can clear up a lot right off the bat. Crits and misses are gone, now it's just an endless barrage of shells, bullets and missiles until you just can't shoot no more. Taking some information from the forums, I still see some questions and misconceptions about how the module works, so I wrote this spontaneously to clear some of those up for my readers.

~~~From Moo: Fighting tip; this war mod eats guns. High rank players fight with no weapons going against small opponents. Some strange reason it works.~~~

What About Hospitals?

Hospitals, despite being confusing in the first V2 war module, are now extremely simple to grasp, albeit less than fun to grasp. Hospitals now only have two stats they are built on, Heals per Player and Durability (how many times it can heal). If you are the defender, the hospital will replace your food button on the battle screen and be available to heal you anywhere between 1-10 times. However, if you're an attacker, you can never use a hospital. No matter where you're attacking from or what region the battle is in, attackers in a battle can never use hospitals, only defenders.

WTF Rocket Launcher?!

The rocket launcher option, replacing all boosters from the first module, is the key source of contention I see from players both new and old. You pay 1 gold and it immediately obliterates your foe, taking him from 100 to 0 and awarding your team influence. You could say using a rocket launcher or a density ammo booster from the old module did the same thing, but you got punched in the face before you did it. I find most of the rage (not all of course) stems from a misconception that people think their actual character will suddenly get brought to 0 health (or killed off for real) while they're perusing the battle screen.

When you head out onto the battle screen, the game takes a "copy" of you. It reads your best weapon, your skill type, current health, and your name, and replicates it for the other team. You're not really fighting the actual citizen, you're fighting their stats. Attacking always expends 10 health, and "defending" is done by your shadow self, you have no say or drawback from it. You'll never have to have the worry of someone blowing you up with a launcher, only you can blow up them.

Influence - What Is It Good For?

Influence is essentially damage. You're not awarded influence until you defeat an enemy, and when you do, it seems to be based on their level or strength relative to yours. In this regard, overkill is entirely unnecessary, so low level weapon companies can rejoice: it's now seems wise to carry a main weapon and a "side arm", a lower level version of your main weapon to finish off pesky baddies that are just barely standing when you blast them with your more expensive weapons. The team with the most influence at the end of a round wins, explained below.

Victory At Later

"WTF, I thought we won?!" All battles are done in segments of 2 hours now. The side who does the most influence damage in each 2 hour period is awarded a battle win, and the game isn't over until one side has won 8 of these segments. Battles can be a minimum 16 hours, or a nail-biting 30 hours for battles that go 7 to 7.

That's all for now, I'm sure there will be all types of formulas and problems that come out soon to make fighting more precise or chaotic. That's why you should read a lot of articles and subscribe so you can stay informed. Until said chaos happens though, just head out to a region with a battle and try it out for yourself. Rank points and experience points are always good!

Me bringing the pain on some pesky Indos

Until next time,
Blank Keating