Houses Cost Based on Residence [EN/ID]

Day 4,828, 23:02 Published in Indonesia Switzerland by Difa AG

It is common recommendation to use q1 house because you can get profit from it's overtime points.
It is also common recommendation to stay in Town Residence (Quality 1 Residence, less than 50 residents) since the house will last longer.
But further questions often asked are:

Pemain pada umumnya direkomendasikan untuk menggunakan house q1 karena akan mendapat keuntungan dari poin kerja lembur.
Pemain juga direkomendasikan untuk tinggal di residence bertipe Town (kurang dari 50 penduduk) agar housenya lebih tahan lama.
Namun ada beberapa pertanyaan lanjutan yang sering ditanyakan:

1. Should I use higher quality houses?
Maybe this person has already accumulated some active assets with income to support higher quality houses, or maybe he wants to focus more on fighting and increasing rank. So they wonder, if he should use and buy higher quality houses.

1. Apakah layak untuk menggunakan house selain q1?
Biasanya ditanyakan oleh seseorang yang perekonomiannya sudah membaik dan ingin fokus war menaikkan rank.

2. Should I stay in my City/Large Town to work (or fight Daily Order), or is it better find a nice small Town for residence and travel daily to work (or fight)?
The problem with Town Residence is that they may not be ideal for work and fighting. On Day 4602, travel cost increased significantly, and some people faced the dilemma of whether to stay in Town Residence to minimize house cost or in higher quality Residence to minimize travel.

2. Apakah tinggal di Town tetapi travel tiap hari untuk work/fight?
Permasalahan residen Town adalah sering kurang ideal untuk WaM ataupun mengerjakan DO, sehingga memunculkan dilema apakah memaksimalkan durasi house (stay di Town) atau meminimalkan biaya travel (stay di tempat work/fight).

This article does not answer these questions directly. Instead it aims to provide information to help you decide for yourself and your own situation, based on current market prices and wage.

Artikel ini tidak menjawab pertanyaan tersebut secara langsung, melainkan memberikan bantuan perhitungan untuk kamu memutuskan sendiri berdasar situasi pribadi.

I will provide
1. The daily cost of house usage, based on house quality and residence quality
2. Cost saving of different residence quality compared to Town

Yang akan dipaparkan, yaitu
1. Biaya harian penggunaan house, berdasar kualitas house dan kualitas residen
2. Perbandingan biaya penggunaan house di berbagai residen terhadap biaya di residen Town

Cost of House Usage | Biaya Penggunaan House

First, here are the cost breakdown. To use a house, you have to pay:
Berikut ini adalah rincian biaya yang perlu dikeluarkan dalam penggunaan house.

1. The house itself from the market.
Biaya beli produk house di pasar

2. Activation cost
Each house has it's own activation cost based on it's (average?) market price and quality of residence. Here are current activation cost
Tiap house memiliki biaya aktivasi berdasar harga pasarnya dan kualitas residen tempat house tersebut diaktifkan.

Second, each house has it's own duration based on the the quality of residence.
Di samping itu, tiap house memiliki durasi berdasar kualitas residen.

Thirdly, each house per quality that you activate will give you 1 overtime point per hour.
Every 24 point will give you one overtime work.
For the calculation in this article, I am using current best salary, though you can keep the overtime tickets for future overtime work.
This overtime work means that some of the cost of your house is recouped by the overtime wage you get.

Tiap kualitas house yang diaktivasi akan memberikan 1 poin overtime per jam. Kamu bisa kerja lembur 1 kali per 24 poin overtime.
Gaji lembur yang didapatkan akan mengurangi biaya house. Jadi sekarang biaya penggunaan house bisa dihitung menggunakan rumus di bawah ini.

So, now the cost of house usage can be calculated as:

OVERALL COST = House item cost + Activation cost - Overtime work

Here is the calculated cost of each time of house for each type of residence.
Berikut ini hasil perhitungan biaya house untuk tiap jenis house dan residen.

*Negative numbers mean you profit by using the house
Wage assumption 2463 CC and 1% work tax.
*Angka negatif artinya kamu malah untung menggunakan house tersebut.

But, wait..
each house gives different duration based on your residence quality.
For example, a house in Town can be used for 201.6 hours, while a house in Large Town is only 184.8 hours.

Tetapi tiap jenis house masa pakainya beda-beda.
Contoh, rumah di Town durasinya 201.6 jam, sedangkan rumah di Large Town hanya 184.8 jam.
Maka berikut ini adalah biaya yang sudah dinormalisasi menjadi biaya harian (24 jam).

Here is a daily (24 hours) cost for each house.

But wait again...
Most people don't use higher quality house individually, but simultaneously with lower quality houses.
So you don't use a Q2 house alone, but together with Q1.
Similarly, Q3 house is used in conjuction with Q2 and Q1 house.

Rumah kualitas tinggi biasanya tidak digunakan sendirian, melainkan berbarengan dengan house kualitas bawahnya.
Misal house Q2 digunakan berbarengan dengan Q1.
House Q3 digunakan berbarengan dengan house Q1 dan Q2. Dst

Here are the accumulative daily usage cost of multiple quality houses.
Berikut ini biaya akumulatif penggunakan house berbagai kualitas sekaligus.

To answer the first question, here is my personal recommendation:
- Dont forget to find work with wage as high as possible.
- Q1 house is mandatory, unless you are a low division with no IK and want to conserve XP points. (Even then it's still a good idea to stockpile overtime points)
- Q2 house is recommended if you active fighting and staying in Town, since its cost is very cheap (currently less than 55 CC daily)
- Q3 and upwards depends on your need and financial situation 😃 If you can provide 20k CC budget per day, then go ahead use all quality houses

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan #1, rekomendasi ane yaitu:
- Jangan lupa untuk selalu cek offer di job market untuk memastikan gajimu setinggi pasar
- Rumah Q1 wajib
- Rumah Q2 direkomendasikan bagi yang aktif fight dan tinggal di Town, biaya penggunaannya sangat murah (saat ini kurang dari 55 IDR/hari)
- Rumah Q3 ke atas tergantung budget kamu 😃

Cost Saving of Town Residence | Penghematan Biaya di Residen Town

Based on the last table, you can also compare the cost of different quality residence.
Here is the cost saving of Town Residence compared to other types of Residence.

Selanjutnya, kamu bisa membandingkan biaya house berdasar jenis residen.
Berikut ini adalah biaya yang kamu hemat dengan Residen Town dibandingkan Residen jenis lainnya.

So to answer Question #2 above, here are some recommendation:

Case 1: You are only using Q1 house
Saving of Town Residence is miniscule, even lower than 2 q5 tickets. This means that you are probably better off staying in the most convenient location for fighting/working (even though it's not Town), rather than forcing yourself to stay in a Town with daily travel.

Case 2: You are using Q1 and Q2 houses
Depending on the distance (and cost) of travel, probably it's better to find a quiet Town residence, and travel daily for fighting/working.

Case 3: You are using Q3 or higher quality houses
It's definitely better to stay in Town residence, and travel daily.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan Nomor #2 di atas, berikut ini adalah beberapa rekomendasi.

Kasus 1: Kamu hanya menggunakan Q1
Pagi pengguna house Q1, saving di residen Town sangat sedikit, bahkan lebih kecil daripada biaya 2 tiket Q5. Oleh karena itu, disarankan untuk stay di tempat fight atau work saja, walaupun bukan Town.

Kasus 2: Kamu menggunakan house Q1 dan Q2
Bergantung jarak/biaya travel, kemungkinan kamu lebih untung tinggal di Town dan travel harian untuk fight/WaM.

Kasus 3: Kamu menggunakan Q3 ke atas
Hampir dipastikan Anda lebih untung tinggal di Town, dan travel harian untuk fight/WaM

So what is your situation?
What houses are you using? Do you need to work as manager? Do you need to fight too?
I use Q1 and Q2 houses. I choose a Town residence where I can do daily order. My company holding is also a Town but there I cannot do Indonesian battles.

Bagaimana dengan kamu?
House apa kamu gunakan? Apakah perlu WaM dan/atau fight?
Holding saya diluar Indo, di situ sulit untuk fight. Jadi akhirnya saya pilih satu-satunya region Indo yang tinggal Town (SLA) agar gampang mengerjakan Daily Order.