Heelllloooooooooooooo Ireland!

Day 1,344, 08:41 Published in Ireland Ireland by F. Castro
Ok, so this is a greeting article.First, let me clear out that since I am Greek, you ‘ll probably have to excuse my English. Now, to the good part!
Let’s start our story. A few months ago, about when I became 1 year old in the game, I was soooooo bored of it. I ‘ll have to admit, I was in this thing mainly for the political and secondly for the economic module, not the war module, even in its form at the time. I was bored in e-Greece, a country at the time full of moulties, ultra-Turkish rippers-Eaters of Fyromian hearts-nationalists, thieves, all sorts of bad people. I was in a party, LSP, which it was not perfect of course, but we were following one principe: make this game worth playing by EVERYBODY and in a fair way. After one year of constant fighting, I saw that we weren’t getting anywere, and that deeply disappointed me. So, I was left with 2 options: quit the game, or do something else. And I thought, ok, this game may be shit for you, but why not try and exploit a good side of it? And that side, was simply, to meet a lot of people, mainly from other countries. And everybody is trying to find ways to e-kill each other….

So I thought, to hell with e-Greece. Where can I go? I thought, let’s tour Latin America. So I started with Bolivia. Applied for citizenship, waited 4 days then Bolibia got wiped out before my cp. So I thought, Venezuela is good! Went there, applied and reapplied. Second time, I got a pm with questions. Answered, a few days later , got another one saying I must reapply. So I got bored and headed for Ouruguay. There, I applied and got rejected. Back to Venezuela then, reapplied and I got it!

Venezuela was great, really good guys, but it was really quiet for a guy that was used to playing in e-Greece for a year! I had fun, but after a month or so, I left it for Ireland, after I learned that it was a nice country (I already had rl sympathy for Eire!), with fun and nice guys, who was in danger due to rl complexes of the British. I didn’t need anything else!
That was around 15th April, one week more or less……..

And now, after this 2011 internet Oddysey, after a lot of bad luck (somehow, i always managed to apply for citizenship at the place that got conquered first)........

Me and my 25 gold are officially citizens of the great and proud nation of Ireland!

So, I want to say I am here, officially a part of your (now and mine too!) community, to fight, work and have fun together! I want to thank my Venezuelan friends, really good guys, and I will be more than willing to fight in some of your battles in the futyre. Also thanks to the great guys and 2 girls at Labour’s_Army, found me, took me under their wing and got me into playing again! Finally, I can join my unit properly! So, thanks everybody!
