Happy Day: The Never Ending Trade Embargo Is Over

Day 3,497, 13:58 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

The Never Ending Trade Embargo Is Over

The never ending trade embargo placed on Canada by the USA is finally over. About a year ago the USA passed 12 trade embargo laws on Canada. These laws have 30 day duration and there is nothing anyone can do to speed them up or make them go away.

These laws were put in place before we in Canada placed our companies under the new rules so I’m sure every Canadian knew not to place their companies in the USA.

Where these laws really hurt Canada was when new people came to Canada who had placed their companies in the USA. These new Canadians would quickly discover they could not Work as Manager in their own companies and they would promptly leave. A lot of people placed their companies in the USA because of the bonus’s and not just eAmericans.

Now Canada we are free once again to sell our goods on the USA market and new citizens with USA based companies are free to come to Canada and WAM away.

These trade embargoes were placed on Canada because Rylde had put up CO as a private citizen against the USA on territories the USA occupied. I’m sure it was great fun for Rylde at the time but we all ended up having to pay the price. I’m sure the resulting trade embargo was totally unforeseen however.

Remember your actions as a Canadian citizen can have repercussions on us all so try to tread softly or at least with a little stealth.

Happy Day Canada the Never Ending Trade Embargo has ended.

Yours respectfully,

Exalted Druid