Greetings, fellow citizens of eSweden!

Day 188, 03:21 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

I am, as some of you know, awesome. I am also the Mayor of Dresden (gets kinda lonely sometimes) as well as a member of the gentlemens society Hypogeum. I plan to run in the general elections (for FBS) so in the following article I intend to tell you a little bit about who I am and what I do, and why you should vote for me.

I am a member of Hypogeum and the Nobel Prize we intend to start awarding to people is the only thing people pretty much know that we're behind. Think of Hypogeum as the freemasons, I can't really tell you too much about it except for what we did the last time we got together. We had coffee and discussed whether asia really was a threat now or not since they seem as passive as everyone else. One member said that the asian alliance could still be a threat if they acted in an organized and KOREANgraphed attack. Then he started to furiously slap his knee and laugh. I joined in by slapping him in the face.

Then we attempted this dance but Mombassa kept screwing it up. It's just like they say, communists can't dance.

On to the matter at hand. I know a lot of people would like to see more of what congress is doing or at least have more correspondense with the civilian populous of eSweden. Some of you will know that I am very active in commenting on news articles and if I can answer questions I will.

The biggest problem in eSweden right now to me is that our population is dropping. This is natural since people emigrate or become inactive. One of the biggest reasons for people becoming inactive however seems to be that a lot of people want to go to war again. Now, I've been here since before the war on eDenmark, however I was too weak then to join in the fray. In fact, I have never fought in a war. Mainly because it has not been necessary for me to do so (most soldiers are stronger than I am and they also outnumbered our enemies quite dramatically in the last two wars). eSweden is no longer the largest nation populationwise. This does not mean we are weaker than we were before the threshold was passed. The only problem is keeping people interested in the game. Know this; it is up to you to make the game interesting. This is a sandbox game, it is what you make of it yourselves. That being said, I've seen the cries for war and conflict recently and I have seen the responses to those cries. What I propose is a compromise. I agree that eSweden is a superpower and that we should be more active internationally, with that I don't mean invasion. However signing MPPs with countries with similar interests can lead us to conflict in the way that we can fight on the side of our allies. But starting a war in this climate is very difficult because of the big power blocks preventing MPPs by invading but never attacking any of the other blocks. The game is at a stalemate right now. That's why we need to look to other nations to try and make friends and allies where ever we can. Not by spamming propaganda like ePakistan but by contacting the leaders that be in the nations around us and using diplomacy and the swedish politeness we are known for (shut up Grev Per).

I probably left a lot of things out and this is my first article ever. Any questions or critisism would be much appreciated.