Day 2,171, 23:37 Published in USA USA by Disco Musolini

hello, this is very important article. once you start reading you have to read all the way until the end. don’t close it & pls be sure to read all the way to the end!

once there was this little boy. all the other boys at school were mean to him & called him a chicken & he had no friends. also all the girls were mean to him too, even his mom! him mom’s name was Lana & she forced him to do training hard every day. one day the little boy was out doing training and all the boys & girls from school found him and killed the little boy to death! some people say that they even cut the little boy’s head off.

the boy died from having no head & also bleeding a whole lot & no one even cared and they just left his body there on the ground. few years later some of the boys & girls from school who killed the little boy built a building on the same spot where they cut the boy’s head off. then they build a server for internet game in the building. the little boy came back as a g-g-g-g-ghost & started haunting the internet. whoever reads this article and doesn’t shout it 5 times before the next 5 days, this little boy g-g-g-g-ghost will come and cut off your head.

once a boy name Nicholas who didn’t shout this article after reading because he didn’t believe in g-g-g-g-ghosts & then his parents found his body but his head was nowhere to be found!

now if you want to live, shout this article 5 time. if you don’t shout it you’ll die in 5 days.