Fun is not fault of admins

Day 1,792, 13:44 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

It has become a kind of fashion to blame on admins on how bore the game is.
I disagree. It's true that the game should be improved and some "inflation" should be pumped into the system. But we have, here at eUK, how bore things can become.

We have one of the most, probably, bored parties in the eworld, TUP, with one of the borest founders, Keers.
Fun is fun, and fun is not boredom. It's true that for some, fun is to enjoy power and feel more important than real life allows you, and this is a good thrust of self-steem. That would be the keers-fun ( or funkyers, buzzy, lights , rotating ball full of mirrors, funky, but irreal)

Normal fun is positive reinforcement, like Skinner's pigeon. You do that you get your grain, you don't you don't get anything. In erepublik, the classical example is missions.

Instead of healthy positive reinforcement, Plato insists in negative punishment, which is a proven failed strategy. The typical example is the lack of actions (fight, building,...) that the average user can do (without investing money in the game). You don't invest, then, as punishment, your game is more and more boring, which leads obviously to leave the game.

Another characteristic of the game is its dual nature of competition-collaboration. We all compete for the medals, strength, economy, but, at the same time, we club together in countries which the more they collaborate the stronger they are ( this is the real difference between ePoland and eUK, for example).

It happens that humans have fun both competing and collaborating. Competing if there's a chance to win, and, collaborating, we always have fun.

The situation in most countries is that a "stablishment" has disabled any competition in politics, and worse, these stablishments haven't
learnt how to collaborate ( as they usually don't need to, powers is
at hand).

So, the final picture is a negative punishment environment, with no
competition, no collaboration and no fun.

Moreover twisted minds keep this tainted pleasure of revenging against real
life and the little attention they got from real life fellow
countrymen and neighbours, so they enjoy to punish (as they feel
they've been punished ( or ignored) in real life).

So, ... you see, the solution is simple. Collaboration and positive
reinforcements ( and a psicologist , in the many cases your wounds
won't be healed even you ban an entire party from some forums).

BTW, the new (and clean) forums are

register and have fun ( nobody will hit you there) .