French Tickler: Ready for Takeoff

Day 616, 12:23 Published in Canada Canada by Christian Doe
Sometimes I speak
Tonight there's nothing to say
Sometimes we freak
And laugh all day

- Sonic Youth, Eric's Trip

A World War seems like a strange time to launch a newspaper, yet amidst all the confusion and the chaos, some may agree that one more voice might be useful the relay The Message. My little diary is called French Tickler because even though it is primarily in English, it might occasionally contain articles in French, bilingual articles and possibly a few jokes at the expense of our friends in France. If you are wondering what a french ticker is, you might google it but I warn you that the pictures might not be safe-for-work (or safe-for-school, since the average eRepublik player is so young, but then again the definition of safe-for-school has changed a lot since I graduated). But for now, let's just say it represents the enjoyment that we, men and women alike, will all share in my modest venture.

I should probably introduce myself at this point: I'm Christian Doe, a relatively new player who managed to get himself into Congress last June. I was deputy Minister of Heritage and Official Languages until the combined fall of Quebec, PEACE anti-PTO measures and regions swaps finally put my political career on hold. That little bummer forced me to reconsider what I wanted to do in the New World, and hopefully writing is an activity that hopefully won't be affected by any unexpected event, with the notable exception of my vacation next month.

That being said, I can tell you that the first few features of French Tickler will be mainly interviews, because the most fascinating part of eRepublik is certainly the community, especially those players whose actions change the world on a daily basis. I want to speak with them, learn new things about our history and our future and share them with you. My first discussion will be with a person who has been involved in several PTOs, my second will feature a well-known former president. Afterward, I don't know where my little adventures will take me, but I will look at your feedback carefully.

So, are you ready for takeoff?