France - eBabyboom

Day 616, 06:21 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

France - eBabyboom


As you already know if you have read the last Cocoamok's article (, France have launch a new initiative to promote erepublik and to have a new babyboom...

(The famous) Potier have create a erepublik report on, the biggest french website on videos games... We can vote for this report, and if it finished first at the end of the month, will have to made a big article on and it will bring a lot of new players to eFrance (and maybe some to eUNL, as there is also some belgians people who read this website)... On the last three days, the simple fact to have create this report have already bring them more than 1000 new citizens...

To help ours french friends, which are also our good and old ally within PEACE GC, i asked you to vote each day for their erepublik report on !

How to vote ?

1) You have to go on this page :

2) And to click on the blue button "voter" ...

French article about this ebabyboom :

Best regards,

President of the United Netherlands

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