Flausino suffers from injury!!

Day 1,623, 15:22 Published in Norway Canada by Ola Normainn

This article is a runner up to this, you should read it first 😉

Hello good people of the New World! My top informer from the field has once again informed me of Flausinos(Left-Handed) daily life.

After his honeymoon Flausino started tanking again, but the damage he did was nothing compared to what he used to do:

His mother was worried. This was not the Flausino she used to knew. I did a little research and guess what?! I found the answer! Flausinos wedding night had been so wild that his left arm had got numb and useless. So to be able to fight he had to use his right arm to click, it didn't go nearly as fast! And to have sex, well..... see for yourself

Ola Normainn