EXTRA: Out With The Old, In With The New

Day 1,670, 20:53 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

Hey it's ahava3233, not speaking as speaker. At any rate, I wanted to briefly comment on a matter currently being voted on in congress.

Currently, after some discussion the legitimacy of the old Reiji Constitution (the one here) is now being voted upon in congress. The current proposal states that if a supermajority yes vote is reached, the constitution is to be taken seriously with minor ammendments, and if a supermajority no is reached, it is to be scrapped and disregarded until it is reinstated or a new constitution is written in its place (see here). I did not in the least bit expect a supermajority yes vote to possibly go through on the matter when I put the proposal to a vote, but currently, I'm otherwise surprised with the turnout. I personally voted yes as I felt the document was something we could certainly work off of in further discussion and as a supermajority yes would never go through anyway (which I didn't personally want, and could not go through now at any rate given the number of no votes), but the rest of congress, at least so far, seems to unanimously think otherwise (as of the current vote count). I mean, I'm not dismayed, just surprised. In discussion, things seemed truly seemed otherwise, but now it seems that congress truly seems to want to disregard the past and write a new constitution (maybe with some clauses taken from the old constitution if we're lazy, hah) or work without a constitution at all. I just find this pretty interesting; we're certainly in for a quite a ride in the weeks ahead if the voting continues as it has. Certainly in the very least this would mean the emperor/empress/tenno could be crowned without worry of restrictions on his/her political office, amongst other things (such as less structure in the government).

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