eUNL - eBabyBoom

Day 617, 13:29 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

// eUNL - eBabyboom


First of all, i want to remind you to vote (each day) on this page to help our french ally :
They still need aproximatively 1000 votes and the voting will closed in less than 2 days !
For more information, just check this previous article :

I also want to present a new tool for our country, the eUNL ebabyboom website !

As i already told you in "The Doors of the Presidence", we are working with Niouton, the creator of the french ebabyboom website. We have working on a new version of this website, the V3, and we have translate it in 3 languages to fit with the current reality of our country : eUNL french version, english, and dutch...

If the idea of creating this website was first born in a political party program and used after as a presidential objective, its realization have been possible thanks the help of the Minister of Media&Recrutment Slivever and the help of some eUNL citizens. For helping in the translations, i want to give special thanks to Luuklag, Deviltje, Frerk, Kixtart, Redman00, Ren Vanecx, Polux2704. And how to not thanks again the builder of this website, Niouton ?

How does it work ?

This website is a distributor of invitations for eRepublik...
If you are a new player, you are invited to register to this website... After having validate his registration, the new player is listed in a waiting list... The government (and after the coaching group) will check this list very regularly and will "adopt" on the website the new player. The "coach" will receive a email with the new player informations and will have to invite him. In the same time, the new player will also received an email to tell him he will receive an invite very soon, and he will also received the referer link of the coach if he want to register immediately.

What's the positive points of this sytem ?

- Before his registration, the new player will have contact with the eUNL community. On the website and in the second mail he will receive, he will get informations as our forum adress, the coaching program, and so on... It will help to improve the coaching program, it will help to have less "child" mortality, and to get a more active forum community...
- It will create a new gold income for our country... As you know, for each people you invited and who reached the level6, you earn 5 gold. For each new player who registered in eRep thanks to our eBabyboom website and who reached the level 6, 5 gold will be donated to our country account !
- People who are giving time for helping the new players as being part of the coaching group will be rewarded with the possibility to earn the society builder medail !


For being a success, we need also to improve our recrutment and to promote eRepublik on different websites, games forums, real life newspapers, and so on... We are already trying to do it, and we have a recrutment group, but now, we will have to ask people to register by our ebabyboom website, and not directly by the erep site. So, when you'are posting a message on a forum, put a link to the eUNL website...

The adress... or ...

The website is currently online, it's working well, but as you will see, we can improve some texts...
We will start to use it, and we will make a update in one or two weeks...
Feel free to send us your remarks (translations, texts, mistakes, ...) about the eUNL ebabyboom website... You can send me a pm ingame or post a message on our forum (

Job offers

- You want to join the recrutment group ? Send a pm to Slivever :
- You want to join the coaching group ? Send a pm to Crell :
- And the last but not the least, you want to help us to improve our ebabyboom website ? We are searching to customize some texts and to make a nice presentation of the eUNL... Check here : !

Best regards,

President of the United Netherlands

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