Esprit de corps...

Day 790, 18:17 Published in USA Albania by KOSOVA Batoa

...yours to choose.

Stagnation breeds discontent.

Suffering from a lack of clear goals, direction and true, selfless leadership.

This countries spirit is being enveloped in a stifling atmosphere of waning interest.

Without the fuel of inspiration, achievement and excitement of new experience. We can only expect a snowball effect. Of continued loss in active population, player motivation and participation.

Warning signs are abundant. If you look in the shadows or on the front page, you'll see. Bickering, anger, lack of unity. People are dissatisfied and looking elsewhere for satisfaction.

eAmerica needs a moral boost(not a late night comedy act). We need leadership that provides an example to follow. By taking responsibility and exhibiting character traits such as honesty, competence, candor, commitment, integrity, courage, straightforwardness and imagination.

Yes. The glue that holds us together is weakening. We require an infusion of purpose. A returned sense of solidarity. And empowerment through the belief in an achievable, better future!

Esprit de corps...

We can't wait for this to happen by itself however, or it never will. We can't depend on one man or even a small group. Or blame them for OUR nations defects and problems. We have to each shoulder our share of the responsibility.

I understand if you feel as discouraged or disheartened as I have been. But I can tell you personally from real life experience. That even when all seems dark, everything appears to be going wrong and there seems no avenue of escape. There is always a way to move forward. Hope, optimism and accomplishment are always within reach, and yours alone to grasp.

So I'm asking, no dam it... challenging you. Everyone. Stand up, come forward and be the leaders we so desperately need!

Whether you manage a company, command a platoon or represent a state. Even if you are a brand new two-clicker. Reach out and give your neighbor hope. Demonstrate confidence. Let each other know, we are in this together. And together we can achieve whatever goals we set our minds and hearts on.

As so many factors in this game can be found. These are truths omnipresent in real life and the eRepublik...only you can create the much larger espirit de corps...

Thank you.

Respectfully and at your service,

Julian Mizu

Ready to lead, ready to follow, never quit...” -SEAL Team 6 Unofficial motto

Much of this article was inspired by things I learned and developed in ST6 so:
Click here for information on applying to ST6 or click here to contribute to the team dedicated to esprit de corps...

Votes, Subs, Comments & Questions Always Appreciated 🙂