eSingapore Armed Forces

Day 1,202, 22:52 Published in Singapore Australia by scottty the NUKE

o7 Singapore,

eSingapore Armed Forces, what is that?
Well i'm going to explain to you what it's about.

The aim of eSAF will be to train our citizens! Train the new guys to find the know how of how the military module works. This will consist with sending them over seas to fight in random battles.
Also not only will eSAF train the new guys, but eSAF will also do health supply drops for those in need for a wellness boost.

What will this achieve?
Well for one, it will boost activity levels, it will show the younger players that this game is not boring! Also it will help keep our countries health levels up, which means more productivity!

Who will be paying for this?
You guys! eSAF is going to be a charity organisation, so we will go around asking for people to donate money that they don't need! I will start off by donating a large sum of SRG to get a kick start.
If you are willing to donate funds, please donate to here:

Everyone that donates will get a mention in future articles.

To start off share these links aroun😛
eSAF Military Training Program

eSAF Health Supply Form

When eSAF gets off I will be using this military unit for all the new recruits.
So don't mind if you get removed.
