EREPUBLIK WORLD MAP - Day 409 (new update)

Day 409, 12:06 Published in Romania Romania by the_mihai

Hello everybody,

I decided to make a new update of Erepublik World Map.

Why so soon?

- Because in this last days a lot of important changes took place - Indonesia took 3 region from Argentina, Iran conquered an important part of Pakistan, Romania conquered a new region from Russia or the resistance of Germany in Sweden)

- Because I am still in vacation and I still have some spare time.

- Because I was really impressed by your feed back when I published the last e-map. Thank you all and I hope you will enjoy this updated version also.

Since not the article is the main theme here, I will stop with the words and let you enjoy the lastest EREPUBLIK WORLD MAP!!

Kind regards,

P.S. If you like the map, please vote the article. Also, you can subscribe to Evenimentul de Est (Eastern Event) if you want to be notified every time a new map will be published. Thank you all.