End of an era reached

Day 1,581, 13:13 Published in Greece Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

Dear EDEN members, officials and citizen.

I started in this position just 8 days ago and I must admit that I knew the situation is bad but didnt really understand how bad it actually was.

I have spent hours and hours talking with officials from Turkey and Bulgaria, with uphills and downhills. But in the end I did not see a way forward than to call up a summit to discuss this "Bg/Tr" issue among other topics with EDEN CPs and representatives.

It was not an easy meeting eather. Emotions ran high, there where bad languege used (by me among others) even that all the time tried to stay calm. I think the same feeling are reflected by many in the game about this topic also.

I will not go deeper into the details at this point, if you want you can find a lot of logs flying around to form a picture.

What matters in this, is that vote was started by the request of Bulgaria for termination of trial membership of Turkey.

There are no exact statement about this in the EDEN "contract", but there is this:
3. Membership termination can be effecte😛

3.0.2. At the request of another Member. In this case a vote will be held with a required majority of over 66% to exact the Membership termination immediately.

Some votes where given directly in the Summit but some requested more time to consider the matter, as they are entitled to. I set the deadline for the voting at 10 ereptime today.

The results of the vote are
71.43% of given votes are in favor of terminating the trial membership of eTurkey
By this vote, Trial membership of eTurkey is hereby terminated.

For the current situation of voting at Bulgaria on MPPs for ONE countries and NE against Turkey, I URGE you to vote NO as soon as possible. Signing hostile MPPs and NEs without proper procedure makes this decision void.

I hope all the best for Turkey in their endeavors and I really do hope for the sake of EDEN that the healing can start now.

Yours sincerely
Supreme Cummander

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