Einberliner for the South-East - My Manifesto

Day 641, 15:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by einberliner

Ladies and Gentlemen of the South-East (of which, I am aware, there are sadly few),

I would like to formally announce my intention to run for congress in the forthcoming election. What follows is my manifesto which I've kept realistic; I won't make a single promise here that I don't 100% believe to be achievable.

I'm also going to keep this as brief as possible because I feel it's important to get to the point.

A little about me

I go by Ein, Donut or Doughnut and I was eBorn back in July, making me comparitively new to the country. I got to level 12 the long way - two clicks a day and daily feeding and I didn't go abroad to fight to gain experience points because I wanted to stay in eIreland and get to know the people, the procedures, the history there. I do not regret this decision in the least. While I will not claim to know everything I've certainly gotten a good footing on the knowledge ladder and I intend to keep reading all I can, to keep learning all about the ins and outs of our great nation. I got to level 14 in battle, still from our home shores, and have enrolled myself in the War Tactics and Strategy class at the eIrish University so I can improve my knowledge in this area, the one I've neglected up until this point. Class starts Monday and I'll be there, front and center.

My personal special interest is, as is no secret, helping noobs to find their footing and assisting any overseas citizens looking to come to Ireland wherever I can. There has been a good response to this so far, both from longer standing eIrish citizens and from a few newbies who took the opportunity to ask questions/for help. I have to this point funded this almost entirely from my own account (one unprompted but much appreciated donation aside) and I intend to keep on doing just that. I have composed an advertising campaign to be posted overseas to encourage more people to come to our beautiful shores and intend to go live with it if not on election day itself then on the day following. This will, again, be funded from my own account.

What I hope to achieve

Firstly, while I really would like to promise you a Q5 defence system and hospital, I know that realistically and financially that's not going to be possible in the coming term unless the country suddenly finds itself receiving an unprecedented level of donations. I won't lie to you, I hope that one day we can improve our security and healthcare but it's not possible this time.

So what I do promise, firstly, is to be present. Which seems obvious and simple but even in my relatively short time in eIreland I have noticed a fair number of people run for congress and then go AWOL, either by general lack of participation or by moving to other shores for one reason or another. This won't be happening with me. I've been eIreland since the moment I clicked sign up and have no intention, reason or inclination to change that.

I will, as I have consistently up until now, continue to read all the newspaper articles I can (plus the comments) and to keep in contact via PM and forums (on which I will shift my status from lurker to speaker) with my fellow eIrish citizens so I know what their concerns are, what they want/need/feel and what the issues and factors affecting eIreland are. While the congress vote will be mine it will be on behalf of the Irish people, those in the South East in particular, and I will never lose sight of that.

While I'm aware that some information I'll be privy to as a congresswoman may well be confidential I will do my best, where this is not the case, to seek the opinion of the people of the South East on matters before I vote on them. I will read and acknowledge all PM'd correspondence from my constituency and I will take it into account each and every time I vote.

In addition I promise that the 'wage' I receive, if elected, will be put to good use in my campaign to help new eIrish citizens, not toward any personal goals (improving my house etc.) I have myself.

Yours in service,
Einberliner (Donut)