eCanada, CAF's HC and Coda steal 5500 CAD!

Day 1,151, 19:27 Published in Canada Canada by MaxMaher

Want to know why CAF's HC didn't want to reveal their documents?

Want to know why CAF's HC wanted to raise the Funding Cap to 10%?

Want to know why Jsboutin is running for CP?

I am introducing today on behalf of the citizens of eCanada action against Coda and her suppliers who have violated the Funding Cap Act.
Funding Cap Act wrote:
A Bill to cap funding to CAF and Mercenary Fighters to the equivalent of 4% of the CAF budget a month.


1. Government funding for individuals is capped at 4% of the CAF budget per month.

2. a) The Auditor General must begin an investigation as to how much was received by certain players from the government during the Calendar month of April. The Auditor General will publish that report by May 31st.

b) If any players have been found to have received over $7,500 CAD or its equivalents from the government those players are ineligible from receiving funding for 3 months from the date of publication of the Auditor General's report.

3. Any violation of Provision 1 or Provision 2b will be considered an Act of Theft and the offending supplier will be removed from their position. The player benefiting from the theft will be expected to return any amount over the cap within 3 days or will be considered to have committed theft.


Provision 1 may be waived in unique circumstances by an Executive Order detailing the conditions and situation of the waiver in Closed Congress. The Executive Order may be denied by Congress during the first 24 hours. Provision 2b may not be waived.

According to document obtained by Rolo during the Wesgate which authenticity has not been questioned by any members of CAF. Indeed, some were even happy that the document had been made public.

The evidence obtained shows that Coda has received in the budget from December15th, 2010 to January 15th, 2011, 5048.36 CAD and 110 golds and surely more since the document stops on day 1147 January 10th 2011). By taking a very conservative change rate of 1g = 34 CAD, this is a total 8628.38 CAD.

This, of course violates the provision 2.b)

Moreover, we can establish that according to the budget, the budget for the CAF is 80250 CAD (100250-20000 transfer to TCO). The limit of supply allowed by law under provision 1 is 3210 CAD for the month (4% of the CAF’s monthly budget). Coda has received more than 3210 CAD, which is the limit of 4% allowed. She have received 10.7% of the total budget of CAF as a single soldier.

Moreover, the limit has not been waived by Executive Order. Otherwise Congress would have to be informed in order to be able to overthrow it according to the act. This was not done. The Executive Order if there were any, as CAF’s HC have already claimed, it should be declared invalid on a lack of procedural grounds.

Here is the detailed list of supplies delivered to Coda as revealed in the document for this budget.

Supplier Day Amount (in USD)
1124 Jsboutin 110
1126 Akki40 159.39
1128 AMM 304.19
1128 Jsboutin 105
1129 Jsboutin 130
1132 Cozza 138.78
1133 CND 200
1133 CND 2070 and 60 gold
1133 MaryChan 360
1134 NEC 1101 and 50 gold
1138 PhilipDPalme 140
1141 Jsboutin 70
1142 PDP 100
1144 Akki40 60

Everything indicates that the transfer done with the Canadian National Defence, although anonymous in the document, has been made by the MoD of the time since Jsboutin was one of the few people to have access to this org.

Also, all indications are that the CAF's HC was well aware that exceeded the limit since they were strongly opposed to disclose their document in CDC and they tried to increase the limit Funding Cap Act to 10% without success, again in CDC.

So I ask the Supreme Court, in names of the eCanadian citizens have been stolen, to declare:

Under the provision 2b)
- Coda ineligible for any government funds for a period of 3 months to have received more than 7500 CAD or its equivalent

Under provision 3
- That the conduct described above be declared as an Act of Thief and that all suppliers (Jsboutin, Akki40, Cozza, MaryChan Philip Del Palm and 00AngryMobMan00) be remove from their position because Coda have received more than the allowable limit of 4%. Therefore, Coda should have 3 days to return the money stolen (5418.36 CAD) to the government by using her personal money. (Not the fund of her "Charity", or the Fund stockpiled in the CAF org, HER PERSONAL MONEY!.

EDIT: There is the thread in HC's forum where my doubt about the CAF started.
The thread is called "Coda needs money".
Here I have skip some messages since they were talking about the Funding Cap Act.

The end.

Now, you can judge by yourself.

(PS: In total transparency, there is a message in this thread where I put a proposal to raise the cap to 10%. However, when I ask Jsboutin in IRC to propose it in Congress, he wanted me to add a provision that would have allow the CAF's HC to judge if the supplies done over the limit was considered a stealing of funds. I didn't agree with it afterwards, because this provision was so protective, that I began to be really suspicious about what CAF's HC were trying to hide. Therefore, I never put in proposal in Congress.)