Don't Vote For Me Unless You *Must* Vote Stateside

Day 1,020, 06:34 Published in USA USA by St Krems

Don't vote for me until you have checked either this paper or logged into #ato on the rizon network for up to the minute ATO instructions. Your vote could influence a political election in our country, or it could help save another country from being destroyed. It’s your choice but make the right one.

List of reasons you should vote ATO:
*Imagine the damage to a community a PTO does
*Strategically, keeping our allies under their own control is important
*It makes Ostin mad
*It builds relations with countries that we protect from PTOs

If you check both these sources, and your vote is not needed or you must vote stateside then I ask that you consider voting for me. I’m the incumbent candidate who’s just completed a very successful term. I subjugated Russia under the Iron Boot of America twice, increased our national income by 40% according to The Director of The Congressional Budget Office Dr. Tango, revitalized Executive communication with the citizens by having at least daily White House Press Releases, initiated the Meals on Wheels program to take advantage of new game mechanics, improved executive and JCS relations, improved American and EDEN relations, spent untold hours planning with and helping allies from across the world, and even more hours furthering America’s interests internationally.

My Vice Presidential running mate is none other then The Great Ape, Colin Lantrip. Colin is a stalwart of American politics, one of the most trustworthy men in our country, Director of the CBO, a leader of the USWP and a Big Deal in Seal Team 6. I'm pretty please he's agreed to run with me.

I have the experience, I have the ability and I have the personality to do well as President. I’d like to hear any of the other candidates this election make the same claim in good faith.

Vote for Rod Damon. If he doesn’t need you, vote for the guy who gave you Russia.


St Krems

P.S. If you have not already, move and deploy to FER to protect it from an impending attack by russian forces.