Does MoW work? An indepth look at the help our new citizens are recieving.

Day 508, 21:37 Published in USA USA by St Krems

A country is built on the strength of its residents and as such a country should be looking to help its newest residents through their most trying days.I, therefore applaud the thinking behind Meals on Wheels.

In most cases new citizens are paid the minimum wage of 1 USD per day and right now food costs 1.30 USD. You dont need to be very good at maths to know that new citizens live in what in real life would be called absolute poverty. i.e. being unable to procure the most basic necessities for living.

Now imagine that you are a new citizen wondering how you are supposed to survive on this measly wage and you decide to take the advice offered in the letter the admin sent you and apply for Meals on Wheals. The actual application takes minutes and during it you are asked if you would like to enter the mentor program as well.

You then wait for the relief to arrive...

and wait....

and wait...

and eventually the realization dawns on you that you're going to have to help yourself. So you change jobs and begin leveling up. Now fast forward a week. You are an established Citizen of the new world, you have a well paying job, you are buying food of a better quality then Q1 and you no longer have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Its been 9 days since you applied for the MoW emergency relief and you just assume you have fallen through the cracks of a government system and aren't to bothered because you really didn't need the help in the end.

However, that day, 9 days after you applied for help, MoW donates too you 4 pieces of Q1 food and starts filling your shout boxes with "Tips and Updates". At this point you really don't know what you're going to do with the food, certainly not eat it, and you sort of feel like its been wasted on you.

And they still haven't gotten back to you on the mentor program.

MoW is a great idea that shows a real compassion within our country, but the facts remain that it is slow, inefficient and not really needed. It is a drain on public funds (around $4,000/month), and most noobs find that they don't really need the help by the time its arrived. I suggest that the plan be scrapped altogether and the money that would have been used to fund it be used somewhere else, or even given back to the taxpayers (what a crazy thought!).

The game was designed so that people can start off without assistance. If the game developers had intended for people to be reliant on some sort of MoW program at the beginning of their eLives then they would not have made it possible for people to survive without one.