Do You Hate Playing eRep?

Day 1,351, 14:58 Published in USA Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

Actually, eRep is kind of fun if you don't really care about it anymore. The game is replete with anti-axioms. The quitter wins, more rage, more win! 23 Hard Worker Medals = RL sloth. The best and brightest players have higher credit limits. You can keep going all day with this. Let's look at a typical eRep day for me.

My Usual Day

You knew I wasn't really a pickle, right?

So if you want to have fun playing eRep, just don't care about how you're playing it. Here's how my game day usually goes. You may use this as a template, I give you permission.

> Show up, click a few times.
> If you're inclined, hit the red button once or twice.
> Make a few smart ass shouts, or comment to some.
> Read an article about how PTH shit on something-er-other.
> If you are feeling extraordinarily active, write an article yourself or PM some old friends.
> Then browse the forums for awhile to see who pissed who off.
> Alternatively, browse the forums to find someone too piss off.
> Go back to eRep to read the utter BS people wrote in response to your comments/article.
> Repeat as often as necessary to get bored.

When you finally get bored (and it shouldn't take long).
> Check your e-mail and shut down the computer for the day. 🙂

Thank You

No, not you, the WHPR. I won the first of, I hope many to come, "Pump It Up" contests sponsored by our government no less. Check this out. It was a lot of fun to write something that I didn't have to conceive a topic for. Thanks guys!

OK, Now I'm Done

Thank you, my faithful readers. I don't know why you like this crap, but I'll keep putting it out.
I've said my piece. Now what do you think?