Division 4 and Reconquista

Day 4,546, 21:35 Published in Canada Turkey by Karl004

This is it. Playtimes over. No more easy BH. This is the big league now. Out of the confort of division 3, into the wilderness of division 4. I must say I shot myself in the foot. All the tanking I did a few weeks ago made me gain several levels. I would have need an Experience inhibitor to do that. I wanted one, but I was a week too late for the Infantry kit. I knew what I was getting into and now there it is.

It's ironic that I get to hit the 70k strengh the same day I hit lvl 70. Even more so that the Infantry kit is back also that day. It was fun while it last though. Made quite a few BH down there. Since Division 3 always seems to be ignored by everyone, it was possible To steal precious campaign point sometimes. It was even more enjoyable To steal the stealers: those croatian/turquish/Usa big shots who puts only a couple kills in canadian D3 battles expecting easy gold.

This would never had happened under my watch 😛

However, I must admit I don't know if Plato liked my input on the power spin or if he will miss me in div 3 but he gave me a little parting gift un petit je ne sais quoi.

I Guess I must give a little shoutout to Thedillpickl for his 1/10 Power Douche endorsment. I was done with the power spin before I wrote that previous article and it is this comment that made me go for one more spin "because why not". I got my 2nd jackpot with it and the rest was a gamble that paid off big time. Now I'm on the verge of upgrading weapon production to Q7 wich is a big deal.

Division 3 is gone. Long live division 4! No more time to be gloomy, hope is on the horizon!