Diferenta intre Femei si Barbati

Day 1,905, 09:21 Published in Romania Romania by A R E S.
Femeile (minunate) vor citi de sus in jos

Barbatul: - In sfarsit! Am asteptat asta atata timp!
Femeia: - Vrei sa plec?
Barbatul: - Ai innebunit? Nici sa nu te gandesti la asta.
Femeia: - Ma iubesti?
Barbatul: - Bineinteles! Tot timpul!
Femeia: - M-ai inselat vreodata?
Barbatul: - Doamne fereste! Bineinteles ca nu.
Femeia: - O sa faci sex numai cu mine?
Barbatul: - Sigur ca da. Cu orice ocazie.
Femeia: - O sa ma lovesti vreodata?
Barbatul: - Ai innebunit?
Femeia: - Pot sa am incredere in tine?
Barbatul: - Da!
Femeia: - Iubitule!

Barbatii vor citi de jos in sus.

Si prin bunavointa unui bun amic din joc (MILANEZU)
and the English version (well worth having it)

The (wonderful women) will read this from the top to the bottom

Man: Finally! I've been waiting this for so long!
Woman: Would you like me to leave?
Man: Are you insane? Don't even think about this.
Woman: Do you love me?
Man: Of course!All the time!
Woman: Have you ever cheated on me?
Man: OMG!Of course not.
Woman: Will you be having sex only with me?
Man: Certainly. With every occasion I get.
Woman: Will you ever hit me?
Man: Are you insane?
Woman: Can I trust you?
Man: Yes!
Woman: Honey!

The man will read this from the bottom to the top