Defense Systems for Dangerous Borders - v2

Day 626, 23:25 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

In my last article I made the case that we bordered numerous hostile nations; now the situation is of course much more dire than it was a few short weeks ago. This is why I am making it a personal priority to assist our nation through the production of Q5 defense systems for our remaining territories. Check out McFarland Defense Systems, a subsidiary of McFarland Constructions:
I have today upgraded McFarland Defense Systems to Q5. My plan is simple. I plan to gradually build and donate Q5 Defense Systems to the eUSA government for emplacement in all remaining territories. Once again, to be perfectly clear, I plan to donate these systems. This will be free for the government. I will cover all expenses out of pocket, in order to help provide for the collective good.
This will of course be over a long-term basis due to the amount of time it takes to produce even one defense system. It is my view that the investment is well worth the effort. If you agree with me, if you believe that this is a worthy cause, please do whatever you see fit to publicize this issue. Donate to McFarland Constructions if you feel inclined, but please do not feel obligated to do so. This organization exists for the betterment of the eUSA through infrastructure emplacement.
(This section subject to edits) Salaries will be listed at 2 USD for employees at all skill levels 3 and above. This will ensure that all volunteers can use a state hospital for wellness; I will donate a moving ticket to any employee seeking transfer to New Jersey or Florida. As far as I am concerned, my other active companies (McFarland Weapons & McFarland Iron) exist to fund this effort.
If there are any patriots with higher construction skill ratings and a willingness to empower our nation, I will find a place for them in McFarland Defense Systems. Contact me by message, and we can work out a salary that works for everyone.
Thank you.
Max McFarland 2