Dear Members of EPIC

Day 1,578, 15:09 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Dear members of EPIC,

I would like to thank you for your support. You shown yesterday that you wanted something changed in EPIC. and things will change.

Reintroducing the Canadian Social Democrats!

Did I get ya?

Members of EPIC, please do not panic. I have not PTO'd the party. I have no intention of bringing the CSD back. EPIC is staying put. I do plan to change EPIC, for the better. I plan to bring more activity and more discussion to EPIC. In the recent months eCanada's political scene has been atrocious. Something needs to be done and needs to be done quick.

Over the next few days, expect a survey being sent to you. This survey will help me better understand the party and it's members and where we stand.

Anyone wishing to run for Congress under the EPIC banner MUST sign up on our forum thread here:

Hopefully with more activity from our younger players, new ideas will be unlocked. Ideas that can one day shape eCanada.

Thank you for your support.

I love you.
