Daily hellfire report (1,541)

Day 1,541, 11:55 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Rin Orin Kaenbyou

Its another daily article~

Border of life~

Gensokyo bit will cover Patchouli Knowledge and the Nippon bit will cover usual stuff

Soo Patchouli , i had some trouble to get this info , she never leaves her library.
So first things first , Patchouli is a magician (A true magician , not like Marisa , who is a Human magician) And she prefers elemental magic. Namely : Metal , Fire , Wood , Water and Earth. She also uses Sun and Moon , that is why she is called "The one-week" magician , as she can use an element for each day of the week.

(Patchouli Knowledge - Patchy)

She lives in the Scarled devil mansion , to be specific , under it , in a library called Voile. Its a great library full of all sorts of books. Magical and normal ones. Marisa regularly borrows books from here.

(Patchouli in a part of Voile)

Patchouli is very asthmatic so she cant recite her spells most of the time , only when she feels "Better" can she use strong spells such as "Royal flare" and "Silent selene"

(Patchouli doing some of her mumbo-jumbo magic)

that ends the Gensokyo bit~

Nippon doesn't really change lately. Wars are still wars.

However lately i'm seeing a very active political war between Geezus and his supporters and Squibeel and his supporters , people interested in this kind of stuff will have an interesting time indeed~

I am having fun on IRC channel #myu however~

Gensokyo is still as usual , however Satori-sama almost caught me going outside today , gotta be more careful from now on 😁"

(Satori-sama is scary 😶)

Anyway today's music: MoF stage 3 : The Gensokyo the Gods loved.(+ Remix)
The Gensokyo the god loved.
Remix - Though the scent lingers the flower scattered.

Chubu still is occupied ! Please help Chubu any way you can!

(For Chubu~)

That is it for the daily report . Oh seems i'm done just in time , Satori-sama is calling for me~