Cyprus NE? Vote NO!

Day 1,559, 22:16 Published in Israel Israel by danis1982
Ok, people Here we are again, against the antisemitsm and the stuoidness. First there is a law proposal from Cyprus for make as their NE...

For all the ones that doesn't know... we have an agreement with Cyprus, and because of some stupids xenofobics we are not planning to go to war! My words have proofs: This is from the law for make NE Israel, two weeks ago:

Law proposal NE
Yes: 15 - No: 32 ---> 31.9%

To get the approval they need 66% of the congress to say yes.

this was the chain of mails that i had with the one who propose the law in cyprus:
danis1982 to Plat0nunAnnesi | 15 days ago
Why do you want to go to war against Israel?

Plat0nunAnnesi to danis1982 | 14 days ago
bcz i hate JEWS!

danis1982 to Plat0nunAnnesi | 14 days ago
You are a shame for the people from Cyprus.

Plat0nunAnnesi to danis1982 | 13 days ago
All jews must be killed! Now or tomorrow, you will be killed!

danis1982 to Plat0nunAnnesi | 13 days ago
5000 year we ear your words.....and we are still here....get use to.

Plat0nunAnnesi to danis1982 | 13 days ago
mate i dont like jews ok. bcz jews love only themselves. i hate jew politicians, they think only jews. but christians or muslims or atheist think other people too. so israel must be destroyed with all jews in RL. this game? i play this game only to enjoy myself. my problem is not a game problem, my problem is RL problem.

danis1982 to Plat0nunAnnesi | 13 days ago
well, i see that you need to play more with your imaginary friends...because if you belive a word of what you just said, that's mean that you don't know any jew at all......and you are the worst example of everything...because i'm jew and i have friends all over the world, that they are from all religions, even arabs....i love in the other hand...i just talk about hate and is the bad one here... im jew and i think about see, i not self fish as you think.

Plat0nunAnnesi to danis1982 | 12 days ago
you think money, not me. jews love only money. history tells it us.

End of the chian of mails

Anyway, now we have another law against us
Make us NE part 2

Yes: 26 - No: 15 ---> 63.4%

They still need 66% of the parlament...and they have 1 hs left to vote...anyway, is not going to happend, but...and this is th important thing, we propose now to make them our from cobraz...but why??

Cyprus NE

I already send a PM to him, because i dont know him and i expect good reasons, and not just the clasic: "they want to make us NE first!"

So, all of this was to explain why we should vote NO to the NE law!

Thanks you all!
