Cun-Bo-Dawex for the Northwest Congress

Day 576, 18:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cun-Bo-Dawex

Reasons Im Running:

1. I am running for conress to help the new citizens of eRepublik ireland ,
2. to bring back true leadership to our goverment,
3. i wish to make educated proposals to help better our country

I also Wish to concentrate on our military force, because as i have seen we aren't the worst but we aren't the best, so its time to get training, and get winning, britain has showed us this in the last few hours lets not let this happen again, no matter what country

If i am elected i Promise:

1. I will be active on a regular day to day basis
2. I will vote in reasonable laws proposed by Congress
3. I will help eCitizens When i can, offer them food and knowledge .
4. I will propose laws that will better our country
5. I wll make sure that all citizens voices are heard both the new and old, alike
6. I will be active n the forums and IRC

This will be my 2nd time (if i get in) and i just want to say that i kept all my above promises,

1.I have been active at least once everyday since i got in
2.I voted on every single law propsed
3.I have helped many new eCitizens to gain knowledge and wellness
4.I did try to propse laws but they were shot down, either they werent needed or fellow congressmen didnt want them
5.I encoraged all citizens to make there ideas heard either on the forum or through me, i "Shouted" nearly once every weak encouraging these people
6.I was very active on the forums and irc, checking them everyday

So remember eIreland when you go to those voting polls on June, you vote for
Cun-Bo-Dawex, because a vote for me is a vote for a better eIreland

P.S please vote for this article so all may see it.