Cun-Bo-Dawex for Congress

Day 1,216, 07:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cun-Bo-Dawex

Dear eIreland

First of all there are a few things i want to say, number one thank you to all who voted for me in the past and in the past i proved to be a worthy member of the Dail, I have recently been granted the Position of "Minister of State" which show I'm no stranger to a bit of hard work, I am an Active member and I intend to run with Irish Independent Party, because as much as i agree with other parties, it is nice to have your own say and for people to know what "You" stand for

Past Positions and Experience:

1. Congressman x4
2. Minister of Community x2
3. Minister of Information
4. Minister of Education
5. Minister of State (Current)

Reasons Im Running:

1. I am running for conress to help the new citizens of eireland ,
2. to help current citizens of eIreland whatever way i can
3. i wish to make educated proposals to help better our country

If i am elected i Promise:

1. I will be active on a regular day to day basis
2. I will vote in laws proposed by Congress
3. I will help eCitizens When i can, offer them food and knowledge .
4. I will propose laws that will better our country
5. I wll make sure that all citizens voices are heard both the new and old, alike

I am pro voice of the Individual, I am pro democracy, I believe we should help our faithful allies in the war even if it is indirectly, I will be active and I will lead with the best of my abilities, So remember eIreland vote Cun-Bo-Dawex, because a vote for me is a vote for a better eIreland o7

Member of the Anti-Takeover Movement
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