CP Endorsement

Day 1,231, 07:35 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

Hello America. I'd like to talk about the CP elections which are coming up. I have 2 endorsements this year, Ireland, and USA.

Ireland Endorsement

I've been watching Irish politics from afar fr some time now. Might've missed something here or there, but, I think i've seen enough to know that if anyone should be CP of Ireland, it's Marcus Suridius. He's contributed more to that country thn anyone else i've seen. Seriously, leave a comment on his platform if you want.

Marcus Suridius, good luck in the elections.

USA Endorsements

I have a lot to say about every canidate, so get ready. (my endo is at the bottom if you're too lazy to read it all 😛)

First off, Emerick. He's an epic troll, and i've seen a lot of hate coming out of him, but still, people tell me he's godly in a cabinet position. While a lot of close friends have told me he's good, I still stand by my erep motto of "Don't believe it till you see it."

The story of this motto goes back a few months to Frost's term. People told me he was good too, and he wasn't even trollish. I've heard and seen similar things from his VP, PigInZen. They were both awesome guys, but i'd only heard about what they've done back in v1. I hadn't actually been around to see it. But, nevertheless, i voted for them.

Immediately after getting elected, they started a RPing campaign that lasted a few weeks and likely chewed up a lot of valuable time that they could've been using to better the country. Later in the term, when our bro, Croatia needed help against Serbia, they sent us all off to fight in Mexico. Furthermore, when pulling out of UK and Ireland after the London seige, he decided to keep an Irish region, which basically destroyed their opinion of us.

After that, a few hostile encounters with Emerick on the eUS forums and IRC, and seeing him bash my party and call us all f****ts (which apparantly they all forgot because he has our endorsement for some reason), and not seeing any campaigning from him at all past a platform article, i can confidently say that nothing short of a gun to the head will make me vote for him in the upcoming CP elections.

Next up, Professor Oak. Haven't seen any campaigning at all from him. And frankly, "lololol someone voted for me" on the UIP's endorsement article isn't really that reassuring. There's not really much to talk about here, so i'll just leave it off with I'm sorry, but i'm not too sure I want you as our next CP.

Pizza The Hut (because i'm obligated to say something about all canidates). While i admire that he's the canidate that's campaigning the hardest, he's a known PTO. Please guys, don't for for Pizza.

Lefty From Mulberry Street. Before the elections, i've heard his name passed around a few times, but i haven't really heard much about him. He's been campaigning hard, with awesome gifs on the UIP forums and doing some interviews, but i just don't know him well enough to give him my vote. Sorry lefty. You seem like a really cool guy, but, maybe next time.

George Pumpkinette. A ligitimate canidate with radical ideas. Too radical for me. If we weren't under PTO thread, and i trusted him to use the system that we have set up, i'd say maybe just for the lulz, but, unfortunately, those aren't the conditions that we have right now. Sorry, but no vote.

Pfeiffer. I know he's an elite player and one of the most responsable canidates, but i literally almost forgot he was running because i haven't seen evan a platform article from him. I know he would be great for the country, but with the low level of campaigning, i'm questioning what his dedication to the job would be like if he were elected. Sorry Pfeiffer, but i just can't trust it.

This brings us to the last canidate. Laxsnor. He's been putting in the effort, he has a lot of opinions that i like (particularly his iNCi policy), and he's well known enough that he has a lot of support.

Laxsnor, congratulations. You have my endorsment.

IMO, Laxsnor is the best canidate for the position. Would be great if everyone reading this voted Laxsnot in the elections.

Laxsnor, good luck. I sincerely hope you win.