CP Candidate Interview: Jimmy Cincinnati

Day 3,542, 21:37 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung


Hello friends, i'm bringing you a little bit of a longer article today so be sure to vote comment and sub! I recently had the chance to interview CP Candidate, and Party President Jimmy Cincinnati on his plans if elected potUS. Anyway here is the interview:

Q1: So what is happening right now in the SFP?

A1: We've repealed a meta-law, revived two party programs and created a new one.

Q2: What are some of the challenges the SFP are facing currently?

A2: There are many people in SFP who would like me to administrate the party through our forum. Recently, the in-game primary vanished from the party feed. It was posted by our secretary general and said that he had not removed it.
It's not the first time problems have accorded and it confirms that the primaries should be held on the forum. Plato seems to be messing with the shout feeds.

Q3: Enough about the party, lets talk about your CP run. What might your Foreign Policy be like?

A3: Expect more updates from our allies. I'll be contacting ambassadors and trying to publish in their papers. I'll return with updates from their country.

Q4: Any legislature that you would be in favor of passing if elected?

A4: My policies would be the same as congress; low taxes, minimal legislation maximum transparency. The only thing I'd do differently is propose a budget for BU2SU. I hear that someone is running it out of their own pocket.

Q5: How would you treat our allies?

A5: I'd offer some updates to them and I'd invite them to coordinate in real time. I'd tell them about the live chat. I'd share some music and other media.

Q6: And our enemies?

A6: I'd troll them. I'll encourage all the national MUs to get in on the action. It's part of war.

Q7: Do you have a plan for when you get to office? What direction might you take us?

A7: I want to get some new people involved in the executive. It's a little intimidating. This isn't rocket science. I hope that seeing me in office will show people that anyone can do this.

Q8: Any particularly radical ideas?

A8: I prefer to do things in-game. I don't sanction an official forum or meta-laws.

Q9: What would you do to strengthen the community here in eUSA?

A9: Public discussions. We use to have them all the time. Now everything is done in secret. There is a cold door of indifference.

Q10: Do you suspect it will be challenging running a party and being CP at the same time?

A10: The pp term is nearly over. I wouldn't run for another pp term, if I were elected PotUS. Most of the work as party president is in the first 10 days. The last 10 days is just recruiting.

Q11: I've seen your cabinet and I must say you have selected some rock solid candidates for those positions, could you elaborate on how you came to the
conclusion of choosing the people you did for those roles?

A11: I contacted some of them and some of them contacted me. The first choices were made based on experience. Some nominees said they were busy. So, I worked my way down the party lists until I found people that were ready to work.

Q12: If you were Plato what would you do to improve the game?

A12: I'd add a live chat. I know I'd spend more time there, if communication wasn't so slow.

Q13: How communicative are you when it comes to leadership roles?

A13: I've sent PMs to everyone in the party, to alert them about election events. I used the default interface to do it. So, you can see that I'm pretty fond of communication. Plus, I publish a lot. I tell people how I voted.

Q14: Any new programs you'd like to implement on a national scale or maybe even just for the SFP?

A14: I'll maintain the program we have in place. I would contribute community projects. Commie's working on movie night and straw polls, so we can serve the community better.

Q15: What would you do in this Ukraine buisness?

A15: I'd need to find out why we are really there. We were told very little about it. I may ask congress to negotiate a treaty, if there no legitimate reason to be there Focus on our pacific flank. While trying to get eUkraine to pay some reparations.

Jimmy has been around for years as he has served as Party Chairmen of the SFP a total of 7 times. He is doing his best to fasten together a Team to lead eUSA down a stronger road in the coming term, if elected. Personally I feel Jimmy is a very dedicated player and would be a perfect leader.

here are some other articles for reference:


Have a nice well informed day! 😉

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