Correct Behavior During Missile and Rocket Fire

Day 1,541, 08:52 Published in Estonia Estonia by laurifederal
The Danger:

A missile poses a threat to a person outside the secure space by a direct hit, by shock waves (from the explosives), or by shrapnel (that shatter on impact and become dangerous in and of themselves). Some missiles are dangerous also because of other material they carry. These are called unconventional missiles. Directions for correct behavior during missile fire, as well as directions for preparing for such an event, differ for the two types of missiles (conventional and unconventional). Should it become necessary, explicit directions for correct behavior during unconventional missile fire will be disseminated ahead of time.

How to Prepare:

It is important ahead of time to designate the space you will enter during missile fire. As a first option, choose the Residential Secure Space (MAMAD) or your private shelter (inside your home). In the event there is no MAMAD or private shelter, choose a protected room based on the directions of the Home Front Command. Make sure that all family members know the location of the secure space or room. It is important to designate such a room in every location you frequent with regularity. Make sure that you equip the secure space or room with your emergency bag and to undertake family preparations.

How to Identify Missile Fire:

On hearing a siren or an explosion. The warning span is at most one minute.

How to Behave in the Event of Missile Fire:

If you are in a building
Immediately enter the Residential Secure Space (MAMAD), and close the steel door.
If there is no MAMAD in the building, enter the room that is farthest from the direction from which the missile fire threat is coming, and that has the least number of external walls, windows and other openings. If there is no such room, go into the stairwell.
Inside the secure space, sit on the floor, under the window line, against an interior wall, though not opposite the window.
Residents of the upper floor of a building without a MAMAD must enter the stairwell and descent one flight of stairs.

If you are outdoors
· In a built-up area: Enter the building and follow the directions for those in a building.
In an open area: Lie down on the ground, and protect your head with your hands.

If you are in a vehicle
In a built-up area: Carefully stop at the side of the road, exit the vehicle, and enter the nearest building or shelter.
In an open area: Carefully stop at the side of the road, exit the vehicle, lie down on the ground, and protect your head with your hands.
After 10 minutes, you may exit the secure space unless otherwise instructed.
It is important to stay far away from unidentified objects or a missile lying on the ground. In such an event, keep people away from the site, and call the police.

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