Congressional Race: Tarik Ibn Ziad for Ohio

Day 517, 10:54 Published in USA USA by Tarik Ibn Ziad

On this day, Monday, the 20th day of April, 2009, I declare myself the USWP congressional candidate for the Great State of Ohio. My pledge to you, the voter, is to provide active representation that reflects the consensus of the people of the Great State of Ohio. If elected, I will actively strive to be the most engaged and thoughtful representative in our Congress.

Below, please find the first publication of many to follow. I have chosen a topic that I deem most important with regards to the upcoming congressional race: my personal philosophy regarding representative democracies. For your convenience, I have created a website that contains the details of my personal philosophies.

Over the coming week, I will provide more in-depth discourses on my personal views. These updates will be found on my website. For your convenience, I will also provide this information as newspaper updates through the Haliaeetus Institute.

If at anytime you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me. My proverbial door is always open, regardless of your party or personal convictions.

Representative Philosophy:

1. Uphold the ideal of representative democracy

2. Multiple clear lines of communication

3. Consensus building based upon constituent’s opinions

4. Ensure Ohio’s Voice rings clearly on the national stage

I ardently respect the political philosophy of representative democracy and believe it is the foundation of our great nation’s success. Although our opinions and philosophy may vary, the people’s consensus is inherently more important and should be the driving force behind policy decisions. Although I am affiliated with a party, my responsibility is first and last to the people of the Great State of Ohio. Therefore, I wish my decision making in office to reflect the consensus of the people. This can only happen through open dialogue and consensus building.

Along those lines, I believe it my duty to provide the tools to allow you, my constituent, to actively engage me whenever you like. Therefore, I plan to utilize the following tools to ensure easy and direct access to voice your opinion: regularly review and reply of all PM messages (in game and on forums), regularly updated newspaper articles, blog site where you can interact and critique policies, regular forum participation, and regularly scheduled IRC times (open door policy). Through the active engagement with you and congress, I will ensure your and Ohio’s voice clearly rings through the clamor of the national stage.

For more details, please feel free to read the following:
-Haliaeetus Institute: Political Philosophy: Tarik ibn Ziad for Ohio
-Haliaeetus Institute: Congressional Platform: Tarik ibn Ziad for Ohio
-Personal Website: Tarik ibn Ziad 4 Ohio

Tarik Ibn Ziad
USWP Congressional Candidate for the Great State of Ohio
eUS National Guard, 2nd Division, 2nd Platoon