Congressional Announcement

Day 1,888, 12:08 Published in USA USA by John Wilander

I would like to announce that I intend to run for congress under the United States Workers Party banner.

So you all are like why do I care so let me give you a few reasons.

I am a two time ambassador to eItaly and I have extensive experience helping run a small MU.

Alright so I will admit that I don't have the most experience etc. but the stakes have never been higher Ajay (Ronald Gipper Reagan) and his party of goons came very close to winning the last election something which is kind of scary considering that he has been banned 5+ times. And now it looks as if the AFA could pull some ninja moves out of its butt ox and achieve a super majority which Ronald and his allies so badly want.

Ronald talks about the elitist oligarchy minority which controls this nation, but guess what there isn't one! If you have the time and you are a nice friendly person you can go extremely far. Ronald believes saying something over and over again makes it true but it doesn't and you the eAmerican people should be outraged that Ronald has this much power! Show him this coming election vote for the USWP Federalist AMP coalition and show the AFA that you dont want them!

Thank You for your time