Congress candidates for the Union of Patriots Nov/Dec 2011

Day 1,463, 21:42 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Well the elections are here and UP is ready.

We have five candidates running this term, but the interesting thing is we have
5 shadow congress members which are new to the game they will be learning this term and receiving training so we as a party can offer a larger group for congress next term.

All our candidates are passionate patriots of the game and offer a lot to the future of this game. We have pulled up some dormant players to rise to the task of doing great things. Some are familiar names, others are new but excited players.

Here is a breakdown of my congress team for November / December term.

Enter Mr Wilpanzer1 - the one and only – He has been a big influence in this party of ours already and a bit of a guiding light. Boy is he up against a lot there are 2 PTOer running against him.

North West Province – Wilpanzer1 – official candidate
North West Province – Emissary.of.pain – official shadow

Next up we have the battle machine and professional eIndo killer – Mr NoRealityLife – always been an avid fighter but now has been convinced to run for congress and at times will need to drop the gun and pick up the pen. He is experienced in eSA gameplay but will assist me in bringing a new format of politics to the game.

Mpumalanga – NoRealityLife – official candidate
Mpumalanga – Herman Ribeiro – official shadow

Following him is some old school action – Mr Enbaros – an exsisting member of congress and an assest within UP. His experience brings stability to our party. Making in roads to be the greatest party in the game.

Gauteng – Enbaros – official candidate
Gauteng – Donuts 1993 – official shadow

Next in our line up is a future leader in this community – Mr Samuel Mello – all though quite new to this game, he has the spark in his eye. He reminds me of myself when I started playing this game, ambitious and full of life ready to take control of this community one step at a time. Remember this name it will not be the last time you hear it.

Limpopo – Samuel Mello – official candidate
Limpopo – Scright – official shadow

Last but not lest – Mr Enriche2Ribeiro – What can I say but that I have contributed a lot in the last two months and continue to contribute daily, I have a huge vision for eSA to be one of the greatest nations that exsist. PP of UP and ready to take congress on for a second term and start training up the next generation of players and politicians.

Free State – Enriche2Ribeiro – official candidate
Free State – Enriqu3 Martin3z – official shadow

There are various threats within the party this term, I have spoken to all of them and they said to me “we don’t care if you approve us or not we will be successful”. I say to that “we will see…”

We as a community needs to vote and make sure that these players don’t get voted in, choose to win, pick approved members. Vote for the win vote UP