CLM Volume 3: Freedom isn't Free

Day 659, 23:03 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

There's an old bromide which I hear from time to time about how freedom isn't free. This article is going to explore that notion, and seek to clarify my stand on self-defense and who should bear the cost.

Since I am not quite two weeks into my citizenship in eRep, many important historical events have taken place which I have little or no knowledge of. This includes the complete removal of Canada, the exile (and return) of many of my fellow countrymen, and the alliances forged in dark and troubling times. I'm pleased that I was able to begin my citizenship in Canada. Had I joined eRep a mere couple of weeks prior to when I did, I may not have been so fortunate. In volume two of CLM, I was blasted in the comment section by Rylde for my desire to have the private sector handle the building of hospitals. I took it as a clear sign that he felt I was uneducated about the how taxes and the state were required in order that I might have the luxuries of today. It also seemed to me that he believes a centralized bureacracy is needed in order for things to work properly. An excerpt of his comment, and you can decide for yourself:

Alberta has a hospital only because it was donated to us from Sweden. Our
country is just recovering from being wiped out and citizens are already
clamoring for infrastructure. Sorry won't be much of that Till we and the USA
have our countries back. Wars cost money. Better move your ass to Alberta.
the govt knows this so thats why they want everyone there. Your taxes are
going to the war effort get used to that for awhile. Those blocks we do aren't

While it is true our hospital was a gift from Sweden, that does not mean a group of enterprising business people could not have pooled resources to build one if given the chance. Currently the people are given no opportunity to build a hospital without the consent of the state. That is wrong, wrong, wrong on every level.

I am fully aware that wars cost money, and that in order for Canada to be whole again, it is going to cost a staggering amount. But the citizens of this country are already forming private army units. There is no reason to believe that Canada needs the State to protect us. Private citizens could organize more efficiently and more effectively if they were simply able to do so. Maintaining and defending our freedom may not be free, but surely the costs taken by the middleman (government) could be put to better use!

In a free society, the costs of defending borders and liberating regions would fall on those who desire the service (this does not rule out the possibility of charity). Rational self-interest would guide people, and they would voluntarily enter into agreements for mutual benefit. This is the most fair and most free way to do anything (whether it is running a business, building a home, eating at a restaurant, etc. In this way, no one is forced to fund the actions of another. No one has to pay for something they do not derive benefit from.

Currently, businesses pay a large amount to the state via taxes. This removes wealth that could be used to develop the business, increase wages for employees, advertise, and a multitude of other things. It also leaves less money that business has to donate to charitable causes (in a free society, one such cause could self-defense). The amount of taxes stolen by our government from businesses must be astounding. I think we can all agree with the statement that "freedom isn't free". It is my hope that one day we will all come to realize that Statism costs so much more.

Thank you all for reading Canadian Liberty Magazine, and a special thanks to Rylde for his candid comments.