CLM Volume 10: Freedom for Manitoba Edition

Day 694, 18:02 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

It's been quite some time since I've written anything for Canadian Liberty Magazine. There have been several ideas kicking around in my head, with regards to the expansion of personal liberty, the restrictions placed upon the individual by the State, and options for what a Stateless society could look like. They are works in progress and I hope to get my thoughts down on paper soon. I've been procrastinating with newer editions due to my RL commitments.

But today I cannot hold back any longer. As you all know by now, several hours ago, a coordinated attack was made on Hungarian-occupied Manitoba. USA launched the first assault, and moments later Canada did the same. This may be the start of the long-awaited liberation of Manitoba. I have no stirring words to offer about what true personal freedom means to me, and no rant about the Government or it's restrictions on the person. But I do have some items to pass along, and I hope you find them encouraging.

I have been watching the Canadian-led battle since shortly after it began. I have seen true warriors for freedom give their time, money, and efforts towards this noble end. I cannot imagine the vast number of CAD and weapons which have already been spent.

Over the past couple hours, I have seen Rainer N, John A Macdonald, Spencer Magee, and Alaricus rain down the pain upon Hungary's wall.

I have watched George Lladislav, Booleus, BEERME, and Plugson fight for freedom in Manitoba.

I have also watched wave upon wave of Canadian Rangers inflict heavy damage to the wall.

And I have watched as our brave and noble Prime Minister William Duncan, and his Vice-PM Derek Harland fought side by side on the front lines to restore all of Canada. Much maligned in the media, there can be no question of where their loyalties lie.

To say nothing of the American efforts! The Brolliance is STRONG! Our brothers to the south are of the highest class of friend. I will not forget what I have seen today.

And I have seen generous acts of voluntaryism from Canadians in such ways that it brings an eTear to my citizens eye.

Chamrajnagar is offering to help younger Canadians with armaments, for the liberation of Manitoba.

On IRC, Canadians have access to free guns (instructions below)

Speaking of BEERME, for a limited time he is offering one free gun to any citizen with 3 strength and over. I have worked alongside him at Outstanding Grain for quite sometime now, and I can tell you this man works HARD and loves Canada.

And, yours truly, is offering guns to younger players at $2 per weapon to liberate this precious region. That is half the market value (and to be honest, if you PM me a sob story about how broke you are, the first two will be free!).

There are many others who are freely donating to the cause.

The battle is far from over, and we ought not to count our chickens before they hatch. But truly this is a banner day for liberty in Canada. In order to bring freedom to the whole land, it must begin with the individual. And what I have seen, gives me great hope that freedom and individual liberty will one day abound in Canada.

Thank you so much for reading this edition of CLM.

IRC instructions:

1. Go to

2. Click the " CONNECT TO IRC.RIZON.NET NOW " link.

3. Use your eRep citizen name for a user name

4. Join chat channel #eCan (type " /join #eCan ")and start asking for some free guns 🙂