Chuckie Finster thinks the current war is...

Day 1,887, 16:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Chuckie Finster

… the right way to go

And no I am not mad, as a nation playing a game such as this it is an assumed fact that the majority of us thrive on patriotism, I love the UK and like the majority of citizens who log on each day, delight on the opportunity to fight for the eUK, and more importantly, win. So when BigAnt suggests Norway if one takes a narrow minded view you could argue that here he has found a war in which the UK can directly participate, increasing interest, and all but guarantee victory without even selling the crown jewels to fund this expedition. BigAnt delivers on his promise, and better still sees a chance for the patriots among us to feel that the eUK is benefiting not only herself but the alliance she has fought for over the last few terms, with promises of a bright future.

I am going to attempt to break this article down into a few brief areas and provide a comment on each for you to read, I hope it will make you think, and maybe count your chickens before they hatch, just to spice things up. So without further ado...

Norway & Canada

So we are facing a two front war, this certainly is not the first time nor the last time this will happen, and I for one would describe it as, EXCITING, who could disagree? Log on tomorrow to push for the initiative, fight to the last energy bar to drive that battle forward, input the money and gold you earn/buy back into the economy that so desperately needs the boost. Are we buggered? Probably. But for once it is not all doom and gloom and as a nation we are having some fun.


Contrary to my above point/issue/paragraph I do not think we have done the right thing. I am not the most informed person but TWO has many important battles and I believe, as part of an alliance, we should respect this and fight for our allies. I would happily fight for TWO for months on end and if I was president I would not hesitate to ask you to do the same. We the people may demand war, that is well within our right, but it is not BigAnt, or any presidents, obligation to deliver on this demand, and certainly not if his deliverance will be called into question or put our country in jeopardy. Being wiped damages overall population which will only further damage our ranking, something BigAnt originally set out to improve.

As president BigAnt should, in my opinion, look to keep us, the population, informed to the best of his ability. I gained much more satisfaction in helping Bulgaria defeat Greece in the Middle East than I did in helping the UK attack Norway. I enjoy fighting for my country, but the sense of actually achieving a worthwhile goal, when I understood what it was, meant more to me.


I am devoting a section to jamesw because he has come out, in the face of certain criticism and just said what he thinks, in black and white with the occasional image to focus on he has provided his comments and thoughts on our current situation as well as answering the criticism and providing a solution. How many of you can honestly say you do this? If you write an article that someone disagrees with what is easier, to out troll them in the comments or respond coherently, well I would argue the later. Take a minute to read jamesw’s newspaper ( and let us all make an effort in the future to have meaningful debates. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing just how you choose to do it, “flaming” or “trolling” leads to little progress and never promises a solution. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and trolling will not make them go away, or at least it shouldn’t, so I encourage each and every one of you to take the time to post an informed and structured comment in response to an article.

If you have something important to say, say it!

Closing statement

I hope you made it this far, this is just my opinion, I would have approached this month very differently to how BigAnt has, or how his actions have portrayed he has. I do not offer a solution to our current predicament only something for you to think about. Alliance over self, we over I, as a collective we are stronger and any infighting only weakens us. The United Kingdom needs a kick up the backside, and I hope this war unintentionally provides it.

Signing off
