Building an Alliance for Dummies; Uniting Terra and EDEN (POWER)

Day 1,668, 00:19 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

When I saw that longtime Terra member Brazil had decided to move on from their alliance, I immediately realized something very dire: we can't keep losing members. If you think about their reasoning for leaving, that they don't get enough attention and benefits for them to want to stay, it becomes increasingly clear that this system of two partnered alliances simply won't work. Especially for countries like Canada who spent time in both alliances at once, it's very obvious that taking orders from two HQs doesn't make sense. We need a strong, united alliance under one HQ. Even though Brazil claims to desire friendly relations with its former allies, it's very possible things could shake up and the next thing we know, they're part of ONE, eating Uruguay up for a pre-brunch snack. And what about other countries that don't get their say? They could leave and kill us with ONE by their side. No, we need unity.

Alliances often don't last long. Some, such as CAS, collapse simply because they are weak, while others crumble because of a lack of communication. That's why alliances like ABC are doing relatively well; it's made of select countries which have great commitment and teamwork with each other. That's why in the united alliance, we need total partnership between countries. Arguments such as the Greece and Turkey debacle can tear apart the entire alliance. That's why we can't allow just anyone to be in the union. We need loyal members willing to sacrifice self-benefit for the greater good of the team. That's why ONE is doing so well: they function as a team, supporting each other in their time of need (if they're not Spain, that is). If we continue to waste our might on side battles instead of uniting to beat ONE where our strength is needed, they will conquer the world, guaranteed.

So that's why I'm proposing a union between Terra and EDEN. No more of this 'we work together but kinda not' business, we need unity. So I propose we dissolve both alliances and form a combined one. For the sake of argument, I'll call the alliance POWER (Prevention of ONE's Worldwide Evil Rule). We split the alliances into four categories: the Americas, West Europe, East Europe, and Asia. This way, players in similar timezones can communicate to attack in groups, and to address more local needs. For example, the Americas unit may protect against Indonesia, while the Europe unit attacks Slovakia. Of course, in big battles, we can focus all energy on a single front (Polish Germany, anyone?). And these countries must have clear communication between each other, expressing tidbits of information and individual ideas. This way, countries won't leave because of a lack of connection. We've given up far too many chances because our so-called allies haven't worked with each other (6 fronts on Serbia = death). If countries desire membership, they first have to prove their stuff over a period of time. We can't have nations waltzing in and messing up chemistry. And countries must have a right to push for another country's banishment. We can't have countries refusing to help each other.

So, let me present my list for this alliance. Possible members are in italics, for reasons such as arguments in the past or because of swaying them our way.
Brazil (it's not too late)

West Europe
France (dispute with Brazil)
Norway (needs to settle things with Russia)
Czech Republic (relatively neutral, could be swayed)
Austria (same as Czechs)
Spain (for old time's sake)

East Europe
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Albania (has to prove itself)
Russia (deals with ABC? can't have that)
Iran (needs to prove loyalty)
Cyprus (questionable coordination)

Japan (needs a bit more)

If you look at this list of countries, you can see we're more than capable of stopping ONE in its tracks, yet we aren't because we don't function as a unit. If we can unite our forces for the common good, we can beat them once and for all.

Until next time, take care!