Breaking the Seven-Month Silence

Day 1,123, 18:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by einberliner

Dear all,

Yes, according to eRep, it really has been seven months since I wrote an article here (though I wrote them more recently in the MoC). Given I had a period of absence around August and have been sitting in the back since my return that's probably not as surprising as it would once have been.

This is just to let you know what's going on with me and where I'm at, gamewise, mostly to reassure those of you that didn't know that I'm not dead lol.

So as previously explained enough it was computer and health issues that first took me away but I believe this was a good thing because at the time I was growing increasingly frustrated with the goings on around the place. When I finally did get to come back I found pretty much the exact same arguments going on that I'd left behind eight or so weeks before. All the same I found a new job and quietly pottered away at it, trying to catch up on the news.

I quickly came to the conclusion I didn't care about the news. The news didn't matter, person A would always attack person B, politcal party X would insist party Y were up to no good and Y would accuse everyone else of various conspiracy theories. It was predictable, tiring, disheartening and - I'm sad to say it - utterly, utterly boring. All the same I wasn't really ready to leave so I worked, trained and occasionally got involved in the military module and cleared out the gold and weapons that were cluttering up the place, had the occasional little chat with some old friends. Our recent TO, and my location of SE at the time, left me in the US. I've stayed there but retained my citizenship because while our beautiful Ireland drives me crackers I am still Irish, and proud, first and foremost.

I'm not coming back, at least not yet, because I don't much feel motivated or inclined to contribute at the moment and if I were back in Ireland now I'd feel like I should be pulling my weight. I'm considering this a vacation, or possibly just a prime position for when an RW starts up that will give my home region back the flag it deserves.

Yours in absentia,