Bean For CP: War and Stuff

Day 1,746, 02:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bean&teddy

In my last article I stated I was running for CP and one of the main things people were interested in were the subjects of War and EDEN. I was holding off this article until then due to border with Poland and to see what was happening with the NE.


rocky road to poland Yup in case you haven't realised we are now at war with one of the strongest nations in the game. So get you EB, build your bazookas and let's show the Polish that You'll Never beat the IRISH!!!!

We may not have robbie keane or damien duff but we do have yddub and Bhane \o/ Anyway lets talk tactics... I have prepared my MoD team with highly experienced players in the area (which you will see in a few days) whether we are on the verge of being wiped or whether in Canada kicking ass we have plans. I assure you there are ways to avoid being completely wiped and if things go well there is ways to benefit from the situation. I obviously can't say the plans here but trust me I speak the truth 🙂


EDEN is a subject that many people are split in. At the start of Ronisu's term a survey was conducted by the MoC & CP and completed by the irish people and it voted in favour of EDEN so at the moment I am Pro-EDEN. considering they are are number 1 with significant more damage. However in According to Battle of Alliances that doesn't seem to be such a bad thing saying that I serve the people and I will of course conduct more surveys to find the overall opinion of EDEN. As I said I serve the people so what you want is what I want.


More Plans:
As promised I will be releasing more of my smaller plans as I go along and here are some more.

Firstly Congress

One of the issues that pops up a lot is that due to the erep message limit (30) not every member of congress is in the same thread and so we miss out on discussion and communication slightly. I plan to bring more focus to migrating these talks and debates over to a private IRC and forums. My liaison to congress will be in charge of improving activity on the forum.


I will be dividing my MoC into different roles. One of my MoC will be focusing on providing surveys and statistics for you to complete so I can have constant updates on the opinion of the public. One will be specifically in charge of organising Fun events. Whether it be quizzes, contests or even rooms to watch a sporting event together like the Cro vs Ireland during the world cup. Lastly I will have one that will continue working on The Baby boom project. I won't be able to finish it during my term current term as MoC so they will continue it.

The last plan for today is to is to increase activity on #Ireland.

This isn't a major problem but it's easy to see that there is literally noting happening on it on a day to day basis. I believe it is important to host some events and what not on it to hopefully spark a bit of life in it again so you can get to know your fellow countrymen and women. Also due to recent feedback I have decided that I will be transferring the National strikes over to #eire.military instead of #Ireland as eire.military is more miltary based.

