Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,037

Day 1,037, 15:27 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eHungary throws the fight back at eRomania an re-captures Northern Great Plain
- eUK looses, then secures Midi-Pyrenees region in 25 hours
- eIreland finds nobody home in Northern Ireland; captures the region regardless
- eGerman citizen launches a resistance war in eGerman occupied Denmark

Quote of the day:
“Best way to survive is to quit business/work in general, be elected to Congress, and live off your free Gold!.” - Pierre Delvaux

eHungary and eRomania

While Romania had garnered enough aid to secure the region of Northern Great Plain 48 hours ago, that victory was short lived. Yesterday, eHungary’s counter-attack on the region was swift and decisive capturing all of the tiles throughout the day and holding strong against the defending eRomanian led allies for the final hours of the battle affording the over 1,000 eHungarian soldiers and their allies a solid victory.

eUK vs. eSpain

eSpain found success on the battlefield yesterday in capturing the eUK occupied region of Midi-Pyrenees yesterday. As reported yesterday, the attack was the first direct attack eSpain has launched on the region after two separate resistance wars (which eSpain backed) failed to remove the eUK from the eNation’s border.

While the eUK lost the region yesterday, they quickly re-attacked Midi-Pyrenees, in the hopes that eSpain doesn’t push on further and capture the only remaining eUK region in the area Auvergne, thus removing the eUK from the south of France all-together. However with the help of allies the eUK avoided this scenario, recapturing the region today.

eUK vs. eIreland

eIreland easily captured the eUK region of Northern Ireland, mostly as a result that the eUK Government asked citizens to focus all of their efforts in its war with eSpain for the region of Midi-Pyrenees and in eHungary in the bid for Northern Great Plain. As a result in the final hour of the battle, the eUK had less then 10 soldiers participating on their behalf allowing eIreland its allies to capture and hold the capital practically without any challenge.

As of the time of publication the eUK had not launched a counter-attack on eIreland and are not expected to do so until other conflicts calm down in Western Europe.


Today, a resistance war was launched in the eGerman occupied region of Syddanmark, Denmark. The war, launched by eGerman citizen GeBe, is pro-ported to be a training war for eGermany, however the fact that the war has been launched in eDenmark, where a Phoenix PTO was broken at both the Congressional and Presidential levels adds intrigue to the training war..

The battle for Syddanmark is slated to begin wrapping up tomorrow at 11:00 eRep time. (battlefield link:

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me ( and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me ( or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.