Around the World in 60 Seconds : Day 1,035

Day 1,035, 14:17 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Todays highlights:
- eBosnia and Herzegovina attempts to recapture their eSerbian occupied regions (again)
- eRomania attacks the eHungarian region of Norther Great Plain (again)
- eSerbia gears up for the move to eThailand’s resource rich northern regions
- PTOers eBrazil and eArgentina attack ePeru with an eye to eBolivian independence

Quote of the day:
“Don’t MessWith the CAF” - TemujinBC (on his battlefield loss to CAF heavyweight Mr. Hopwood [lol])

eBosnia and Herzegovina

Resistance wars were started by eBosnia and Herzegovina (eBiH) today, in the hopes of recapturing the regions of Brcko District and West Srpska Republic from eSerbia.

The regions were captured by eSerbia on Day 1,020 when it appeared that eSerbia’s PTO attempt on eBiH would fail and remain the only original eBiH regions still under the control of a foreign power. Yesterday marks the third time eBiH has launched resistance wars in the regions over the last two weeks.

While eBiH has called for assistance with the battle, the lack of other fights happening throughout the eWorld should allow eSerbia to focus much of its attention on holding the region.

The battle for West Srpska Republic will begin wrapping up at 15:00 eRep time today.
The battle for Brcko District will begin wrapping up at 8:00 eRep time tomorrow.


Yesterday, eRomania attacked the eHungarian region of Northern Great Plain. The attack is the second attempt by eRomanian to secure the region int he last month, though the first was merely as a distraction to draw troops away from resistance wars that the eNation’s ally eRepublic of Moldova were waging against eHungary.

While this attack should succeed in pulling some eHungarian firepower away from eSerbia in their fight against the eBiH resistance wars, the battle is a genuine one with eRomania gunning to capture the eHungarian region for future strategic military purposes.

The battle in Northern Great Plain is slated to wrap up at 20:00 eRep time.


As was reported yesterday, eThailand was successful in is resistance war against eIndonesia. eThailand, which is currently PTOed by eIndonesians, is expected to be attacked by nearby eSerbia as the Phoenix eNation spreads to eThailand’s resource rich Northern regions.

The move to Northern Thailand was not planned by eSerbia when they began occupying regions in South East Asia, however their original plans, to move to the high-titanium region of Northern Territory, Australia were undermined by the eNation’s long-tim, close ally eIndonesia.

The eSerbia move into the region of Southern Thailand is anticipated to occur in the next 48 hours.


Yesterday, eBrazil attacked the ePeru occupied region of Santa Cruz. The region, which was originally eBolivian, has been under ePeru’s control for the last several months. ePeru has been PTOed by the major two eSouth American eNations of eBrazil and eArgentina for many months. According to news sources in South America, the attack is simply a training war for eBrazil and eArgentina.

While the first stage of the training war is for eBrazil to attack the region of Santa Cruz, it is anticipated that eArgentina will attack the other eBolivian region occupied by ePeru, Chuquisaca and Tarija, within the next day or so, thus allowing opportunities for the eNations citizens to fight, but also to block eBolivia from regaining the regions following a weakening of the eArgentinian led PTO of eBolivia in the most recent Political Party President elections.

If you know of any global event that merits highlighting, please PM me ( and I will do my best to include them. Should there been errors in my coverage, please PM me ( or comment below and I will double check facts and make any corrections needed.

Oh and as always... trolololo away.