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Day 4,198, 14:16 Published in Italy Slovenia by ArTyOm AsCaRoN
Buongiorno cari lettori, compagni e Amici.

Today, on request of my friends Kusuriurisan, Ivailo SM, Eleanor Norton and Dio Hostilian I have made a list of italian typical recipes that I personally love.
One thing to note, I am from Cantù in Como's province (Lombardy) so the majority of these recipes are from northern Italy. There are still a lot of foods from other regions.
Now will follow some photos of where I live and all the foods that I decided to put in here. Trust me there are A LOT of others awesome typical foods that deserve to be in this article but I've choosen to start with these.

Piazza Garibaldi, Cantù. this is the town where I live.

Piazza Garibaldi from the San Paolo's church prospective.

Como, the closest biggest City. Where I usually go to discos, to make trips and for shopping.


Pizzoccheri, the best food ever created on earth.

Risotto alle Fragole, my first favorite rice based recipe.

Sbrisolona, tipical dessert from where I live.

Cannolo Siciliano, my favourite dessert, it's from Sicily.


Pollo ripieno con salsiccia e castagne, one of my Father's best recipes.

Pasta al salmone, my favorite fish and pasta recipe.

Fiorentina, very famous meat from Firenze in Tuscany.

Pasta alla norma, one reason to visit Palermo in Sicily.

Pesce spada alla griglia, typical of southern Italy.

Tagliatelle ai funghi porcini, a classic from the mountains.

Polenta e brasato, a classic from my mountains.

Risotto pere e taleggio, my second favorite rice based recipe.


Cantucci, biscuits like from Tuscany.

Pandoro, typical dessert during Christmas from Verona.

Panettone, the Pandoro's counterpart from Milano.

Cassata, with all its variants from southern Italy.

Tiramisù, everyone knows it, from north-eastern Italy.

Babà, typical of Napoli.

Panna cotta, from Piedmont.

Torrone, typical of all italian regions.

Granita, especially the one made in Sicily (to the left the Brioche col tuppo).

Gelato, the iconic sweet, especially during summer.

In Cantù, where I live, there's the second best "gelateria" of Italy, obviously of the globe too... so, if you want, come here and have an Ice cream with me o/.

It is called NONNA PAPERA.

Grazie per la lettura.......... by ArTyOm AsCaRoN

Ps: now it's your turn, comment with one of your favorite typical foods.