Announcing the Creation of the South African Shock Trooper Army

Day 645, 18:38 Published in South Africa USA by Alexander Valkor II

Important Link: eSA Military Forum

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Today, I announce the creation of the newest branch of the South African Armed Forces. Siroe has granted me the great honor of commanding this new branch. The Shock Troopers will be the previously mentioned 'deployable' branch. With this, comes a whole slew of new changes. I have made a forum dedicated to the South African military that will have orders updated at least once a day along with a great social area to communicate with your fellow servicemen and women. Together we will fight for South Africa and represent our renewed power as we build up our strength.

I am highly qualified for this job as my last position of command was in the US military. There, I was a four star general, a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and most importantly I was the Commanding Officer of the eUS Mobile Infantry 'Roughnecks' that had over 300 men and women. It is the largest operations capable branch of the US military. During my time, I instituted many reforms that enabled it to be more self sufficient as well as cutting the fat of inactive players and bringing in active troopers. I've served as a platoon commander and more importantly, as a staff officer doing Quartermaster General (QMG) work.

The organization of this branch will be different than what many South African veterans may be used to. It is however very similar to a cross between the United States Airborne and the United States Mobile Infantry. It will have two command structures. Support and Operations. Operations is all under the command of myself and Lt Colonel Issues, my executive officer (right hand man). Support will be a mix of our new military intelligence program, our recruitment and media team and our QMG's.

There will be three Divisions in this outfit. There is the 1st Division, Light Infantry. This will be home for the lower strength players. Requirements include having a strength of at least four (4). The 2nd Division, Mechanized Infantry, will be for the mid range players with a strength requirement of at least seven (7). The last division will be the elite division. They will see the most deployments, the most action and will receive the most funding. This is the 3rd Division, Airborne.

There will also be an all new platoon structure created. It will be smaller, and more modular. Each platoon on the Shock Trooper's will have 10 soldiers. More on why later. Each platoon will have a platoon commander, usually a Lieutenant, and his XO, usually a Sergeant. They will work together to keep the military trackers up to date and accurate as well as send orders directly to their men in certain situations.

The reason we will be having 10 man platoons is because the Shock Troopers are moving towards establishing total self sufficiency. Ten is the best number of employee's in a company because that produces the best production rating bonus. We will be running our own gun companies and each platoon will have a one week rotation making guns for enough money to get food. Our overall goal is to always have a good reserve of extra weapons built up for when we launch offensive operations. There will be two companies at first, but I hope to eventually have enough for each platoon so that we can achieve at least 70% self sufficiency so that we may better spend our limited funds and resources.

Each division will have two platoons. So spots are limited until funding allows for an expansion of the military. Here is a list of the current officers in the Shock Troopers.

Commandant: Sir Valaro Volcrum
Executive Officer: Issues
Head of Intelligence: Bloomfield
Recruitment Officer: Lorenzo Serafini
1st Division CO: Sakyo
2nd Division CO: Maelyn
2nd Division XO: Viddyvid

There is a few positions open still. Here is a list.

Head QMG
QMG Shift 1
QMG Shift 2
QMG Shift 3
1st Division XO
3rd Division CO
3rd Division XO
All six platoon CO positions
All six platoon XO positions.

If you are interested in being a QMG or division CO, contact myself or Issues. If you are interested in being a Division XO, contact that Division's respective CO. Those with an interest to become platoon COs or XOs should contact one of the Division COs for more information on what the job entails.

If you have an interest in tanking and have a strength of at least 14 and a rank of Colonel or higher, send me a message. We're going to be setting up a tank platoon for when and if the need for tanks arises.

Also, we have a really awesome motto.

Motto: "War is Hell, and We're its Demons"

Sir Valaro Volcrum
eSA Shock Troopers