Announcing my candidacy for Congress

Day 549, 06:39 Published in Japan Japan by Lauri Mursu

Zen like a rolling stone by Mr. Theklan on

Welcome again to Mursu Political Times.

As some of you might have noticed, my previous article was deleted by the admins for "quotation of a private conversation" (*cough😉. The topic that I raised in that article, transparency of congress and cabinet, has taken a big leap to better direction. Governmental section of the forums (new forums if someone didn't notice them yet *hooray😉 has been opened so that citizens can also discuss there, there has been a lot of conversation about a Speaker of Congress and a governmental newspaper, and as I see it, the discussion has been much more open and transparent than what it was when I joined eJapanese community. That's the right spirit eJapan! Together we can make things happen and make sure that eJapan will be prosperous also in the future.

In this article I’m also announcing officially my candidacy in the upcoming Congress elections. I will be running for Congress from Shikoku. I’m a member of Tequila Fitness Club, a great party of individual thinkers. I’m glad that they have approved my candidacy even though I’m a new figure in eJapan and especially in its political scene.

Who am I?
- an active member of the community in irc and forums
- an individual who thinks eJapan is not performing at the moment up to it’s full potential -> a fresh view is needed

I’m openly telling that I come from eFinland, where I was a congressman until an extremely nationalist party gained power in the presidential election. A group of Finnish political and army figures decided to show their distrust to the eFinland’s government and move abroad. We decided to call our group “The Council of Zen”, a group of individuals from Finland that you might have heard or seen already. From all the countries in the eWorld we decided to settle in eJapan, as we saw its potential and promises. We want to offer eJapan our knowledge and effort, and thus I’m running for Congress this month.

Why am I running for Congress?
- the good progress that the government has taken to make the political decision-making more transparent must not be stopped now
- eJapan needs to be more active in the global matters, this can be done by organizing the Japanese Imperial Army better and telling the world what we really think about global happenings
- eJapan should try to increase it’s funds by tweaking the tax policies
- a governmental newspaper should be made for all official announcements
- war games are good for our economy (citizens using hospitals -> working with better wellness -> getting more money -> buying more procuts) and for citizen’s private gain aswell

Political views: How I would’ve voted on few proposals last month:
- supporting the unification of eJapan and eSouth Korea
- MPP with Germany – Yes
- Trading Embargo to Sweden – No
- Tax Change: House – Yes
- MPP with Argentina – Yes
- All donates to NBJ – Yes

Lauri Mursu is a TFC candidate in Shikoku. Election day is 25.5.2009, don’t forget to vote for your local candidate. Good luck for all the candidates from Mursu!

Mursu Political Times is an independent newspaper.
Mursu Political Times represents only the views of the publisher, Lauri Mursu.

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