An open invitation- Join the DNF for the MU contest

Day 2,003, 11:38 Published in Norway Norway by Vileskont

Dear countrymen,

eNorway is a small nation, we all know this. However we are and we always were a strong one! Because it is in our unity where our strength lies! Now, the admins have introduced a new contest- a competition for damage between MUs nationally and internationally. Like it or not is completely irrelevant, what is important here is that this contest brings rewards for the winners! These rewards come in the face of energy bars which are very helpful for newbies and veterans alike! The former can use them in order to speed up their development and the latter- for their own sick purposes (eg- BH hunting). With the war against eGermany raging strong, we have no choice but to be strong. And strong, I argue, means united! We only have a handful of military units anyways. Most of them are comprised from a few people. It is true, that any of these can win the competition- even Bob Turkee's one man army. However- do we really want to fight each other, wasting energy bars and limiting the rewards to only some of our people? I suggest that we all get together in one unit (and I suggest that this unit be DNF because it is the biggest and therefore the least people will have to move in order for the unification to take place). By doing this, we will not only ensure that all active eNorwegians will enjoy the rewards of the mission (which can later be used in the war with eGermany for example) but we might even have a chance to enter in the world top 100 MUs (A very real chance indeed since two of our units are already on the brink of doing this). So what would you all say- shall we fight and win as a team or shall we die as individuals? (if I may quote Al Pachino)

I say we all get together and show first the world and then eGermany how strong eNorway is when we are all united! Small we might be but united we are invincible! This is what I believe in!

You can all return to your MUs after the end of the competition and after the rewards are distributed. The whole thing will take no more than two weeks! Think about it!

And if you need any additional motivation, I would like to say that by joining DNF and doing your damage for this MU, you are preventing the thief Bob Turkee from ripping off the rewards of this competition from all of us! If he cannot gain anything but a handful of EBs from this, the whole eNorwegian community can benefit a lot! Lets do it guys! The traitor is once again threatening us but this time we can fight back! What are you going to do? I know what I will do!
