An Ode To The Top Hat

Day 1,152, 18:11 Published in USA USA by St Krems

When one goes out,
He must show he has no snout,
Exposing one's hair,
Is too Swedish to bare,
And terribly vulgar at that!

What, then, is a man to wear,
Upon his perfectly coifed hair?
It must be fashionable,
And yet comfortable.
Clearly the answer is a Top Hat!

A Top Hat gives an air of distinction,
and of a gentleman makes you the definition.
With a monocle, you'll really be looking swell,
As you send Serbians to hell,
And beat their children with a baseball bat.

~St Krems,
Poet Laureate

As a special treat to my fans I've recorded a reading of my newest poem. I hope you enjoy. Please ignore the fan noise.