Amtsantritt Gobba - Po

Day 566, 14:19 Published in Poland Germany by Bundeskanzleramt

German Response on Peace Proposal

Dear Germans in Exile,
The past few days have been everything but easy with first the PTO, then the loss of our regions, and finally the impeachment of the traitor. But I speak to you now as the official new president of Germany, currently in exile:

The first and most important thing now is that we as Germans work together! This is why I am happy to announce that our former president Starkad is also a valuable part of my administration and that for the next 4 weeks we will be leading Germany in a combined effort!
The official German Exile-Government consists of the following people:
President Gobba
Presidential Consultant Starkad
Minister of Defense L. Loki
Minister of Foreign Affairs Justin Tyme
Minister of Information Elisa Vorimberg
In addition there will be a lot more people working in the Ministries. The current ambassadors will all remain in office and the structure of the Bundeswehr will also remain intact.

We have created a flyer that explains the current situation to new players and can be seen as a first step toward creating a refuge and resistance center. [url] [/url] We think it is vital that aside from regaining our regions we have to keep the German players informed, especially new ones!

Many countries have stepped forward, offering assistance and sanctuary for all German refugees. I would personally like to extend my thanks to: Austria, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, Italy, Japan and the Ukraine. I would suggest to you to take them up on their offer and move there until we have a region of our own again.

The attacks of our former Atlantis allies, current and past oppressors are not over yet. The next target Latvia is being attacked as I’m writing this and after a plea from their president red-fox we have decided to officially send our army in an attempt to defend Latvia from being occupied by the Finnish.

Also all resistance attacks lead by the Germans will be announced though the official German channels! We are saddened to see that the polish are now using our regions as training ground for their troops!

This was the first of many articles in an attempt to keep the German people informed about the actions of their government, especially in times like this!

Do not despair, with the help of our friends Germany Shall Rise again!

Best wishes to you all,

German Forum, the platform for your information:
